How to Comp Vocals in LUNA

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In this video, we go over my technique for comping vocals in LUNA and how I ensure I can always fix my mistakes easily.

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Hi Darcy,  
This is great, as always. 
I have a subject you might like to cover - at least I would find it helpful...
For some while now, although I've been using Luna a lot, and quite successfully, I've never quite got to grips with getting the headphone mix right while I'm recording.
My biggest issue is that it's dry. I have found ways to put reverb on while tracking BUT it won't stay there. The rotating send knob drops back down to zero every time I go and listen through the speakers. It's a pain having to set it up again every time.
So, I think I must be doing it incorrectly.
It would be really helpful if you could go through an idiot-proof setup for putting a reverb, and possibly even a delay, onto the headphone's cue routing. I find it helpful to have some reverb in my headphones while playing as it gives me a better perspective on my intonation with whatever I'm recording along to. 
I don't understand why this has been difficult to find. I haven't ben able to find any UAD videos which explain it clearly and the Luna manual doesn't help. 
I think you have to do something about telling the ARM system to go to an aux track. Maybe? Beats me. Why does it have to be so complicated?


Thanks for this, made learning to comp much easier.


this videos will come in handy when i switch to Luna, i am waiting for sidechain support to really get into it


very useful video. i really wish there was AI that could do this process somewhat


Darcy - you're the best. Can you use VERSIONS with Luna and save and export each individual version (instead of using them just for comping a perfect take). What is the best way to do this if not?


Just send your tutorials to UAD. They must pay you good for the quality. Top top stuf.


Thanks again for this. Do you use Melodyne ? How about a video on using Melodyne with Luna on vocals and instruments...?


A good insight into takes and versions bit a more in-depth video might be required for beginners


I wonder if the developers even looked at other DAWs! they are doing it the hardest way possible. Free DAWS let you comp and view all the takes at the same time. Not a slam to the Music By Darcy. Poor design bu UAD.


What a crappy comping system luna protool 1980
