Voruna’s Ultimate Easy Ulfrun Nuke Build. | Abyss of Dagath

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Voruna's Howl returns again with Ulfrun.
Now that the Companion rework is here,
Voruna's 4 has become a lot stronger.
How does it look after all the reworks, fixes and augment?

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0:00 Intro & Contexts
0:31 Ulfrun's Endurance & KPM
1:02 Melee Damage vs Melee
1:45 Roar is Different.
2:03 No Mecha Needed
2:26 Uldrun's Endurance Mechanics & Slash Taxi
3:16 Mecha Set vs Diriga Arc Coil
4:09 Ulfrun's Descent Multiplier Mechanic

4:31 Voruna Ulfrun Build
5:16 Ulfrun Dynar Synergy
6:06 Fangs of Raksh Spread Hierarchy
7:04 Alternative Voruna Modding
7:41 Optional Archon Shards & Focus
7:59 Diriga Build
8:56 How To Use Build
9:41 Conclusion


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0:00 Intro & Contexts
0:31 Ulfrun's Endurance & KPM
1:02 Melee Damage vs Melee
1:45 Roar is Different.
2:03 No Mecha Needed
2:26 Uldrun's Endurance Mechanics & Slash Taxi
3:16 Mecha Set vs Diriga Arc Coil
4:09 Ulfrun's Descent Multiplier Mechanic

4:31 Voruna Ulfrun Build
5:16 Ulfrun Dynar Synergy
6:06 Fangs of Raksh Spread Hierarchy
7:04 Alternative Voruna Modding
7:41 Optional Archon Shards & Focus
7:59 Diriga Build
8:56 How To Use Build
9:41 Conclusion


Actually really like this video. Just tells people HOW to actually play the damn frame given how many complaints you hear about all these underused/less understood frames. Needs more stuff like this, still amazed that people don't understand how grendel works or even gara.


pretty similar to what I've been using on her, but I went with a hound instead
she shits out so much status that the hound has basically 0 cooldown with manifold bond on repo audit and synergized prospectus, which disarms and electrocutes everyone AND primes them with viral/heat/IPS in a massive radius

she's alot of fun, I wish I could take the wolf heads off her thighs like I can with the shoulders, I like her slim look more


Amazing build, you explained it so well, thanks so much for this superb guide!


Quick tip for everyone:
If you’re rank 5 with fortuna, you can get the hellstrum rifle for your sentinel. This shoots mini rockets.

Stack viral+electric+all 3 vigilante mods and now when diriga isn’t arc coil spamming, he’s spamming mini aoe rockets that proc IPS+viral+electric, no forma required

If you build a zaw dagger with exodia triumph and then use this voruna build, you can either play based off her 4, but if that gets boring her 2 and 4 with a zaw+exodia triumph is more than enough to delete sp star chart. Between her 2 priming everything, and diriga priming everything, you don’t need a primer like epitaph or Nukor which means you can bring the laetum incarnon as a backup for nullifiers etc, which means you can use the Argonak as a dead primary and armor strip.

TL;DR voruna is best melee frame hands down


Am still hoping that they give us a running animation with her 4th.

To go from 4 legs to 2 is just silly😢


Knightmare frame said he would do a Voruna build it is 😅 lol


Been using this setup for a while, never knew only the latest instance of 2 gets transferred. Good to know!


I just wish that when you use her 4th ability, she walks on all 4's instead of 2's


I'd like to add that Diriga is very optional on her. She loves the viral proc from it but she doesn't rely on any companion on this build. Which mean this build is a beast in SP Circuit. Pun intended.


Nice round up on her augment. Some things to consider:
- Replace Flow with 2 blue archon shards for energy. She doesn't need a big pool, because effectively you only use her 2, which gets refunded by her 3 immediately. This allows you to get in Catalyzing shields, making it an extremely safe build thanks to her 2.
- 2 yellows for cast speed are almost essential to speed up her 1 and 2.
- To quickly stack ulfrun's consider Unairu for armor strip, else Madurai for snapshotting the ability strength and substituting cast speed.

All things considered, you can take her to pretty high levels comfortably and the ulfrun build is a fresh alternative to your TS spamming titania or gauss for relic speedruns, making you blitz and nuke through every tile set with ease, although she is very weak to nullifiers, considerably slowing her down, but that's a shared problem across many frames.


4:44 - Is there any particular reason your mod "Ulfrun's Endurance" is still Rank 0? Shouldn't it be maxed instead? I mean, expanding the radius should allow for Voruna to replenish her charges better, so...


Even with her changes, I opted to remove her 4th ability because of its slow attack speed and low visual feedback. Using my melee weapon just feels so much faster and resulted in more KPM when I swapped from an Ulfrun's build to one with her 4 removed. If anyone is curious about the build, you want to use an ability that crown controls like Shooting Gallery with Muzzle Flash. Not only does this blind through overguard, but it grants a 700% stealth damage bonus. You're already built for range you can shut down every enemy map wide with it. Use a weapon that can force slash procs to "taxi" the large ones from your weapon to other enemies via her 2 like what was mentioned in the video.


thats funny you made a build for voruna, i just made my voruna build with ulfrun, im running essentially the same build but i run a panzer and have a few changes to mods


Small things to add

Diriga can add 5 statuses by itself with some weapons (all 3 physical and 2 elemental) but you have to give up the crit multiplier (unless you have a riven) Just equip the Deth machine gun or the plasma rifle. this lets EVERYONE near you have 5 statuses so you never lose your 3.

Archon Stretch counts Diriga's shocks as electric ablity procs. So if you have an electric element on its weapon it will give you constant energy. so viral electric is an option.


Replace umbral with precision intensify and the build is goated


I've been using Voruna a lot lately, and seriously I think its probably a top 10 frame now.
My build is a bit different. The ability stats are 128/100/175/199. Instead of glass cannon I fit in the "trinity of defense" (arcane blessing, adaptation, and health conversion)...although with near 100% uptime stealth its really just a precaution. Furthermore, because Voruna applies all status types its a great candidate for archon mods (stretch and continuity at a minimum). I don't have Ulfrun's Endurance, but with my extra efficiency and the fact that a pack of enemies dies to a single charge of 4 and a few taps of 2, energy is not an issue.
Since Tenacious Bond isn't doing anything in the build in the video, why not Restorative Bond? Its also Vazarin polarity and benefits from Equilibrium/Synth.


Ulfruns endurance counts as a melee attack but not as a melee wepon so my question is, does the crimson archon shards melee crit damage work on Ulfruns since the shard doesn't specify melee wepon crit it only says melee crit


Damn crazy build I can’t get the build tho I can’t do new war cuz I’m on switch lol it keep crashing :(


Me seeing this with my 10 forma and 5 tau forged voruna regrets
