The Gettysburg Address: In Lincoln's Footsteps | History Traveler Episode 157

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When one thinks about the most famous speeches of all time, the Gettysburg Address is likely to land somewhere near the top. Given in the wake of one of the bloodiest battles that had ever been fought in the U.S., Lincoln's short speech would resonate throughout history and give the country a renewed vision as it continue through the war. In this episode, we are retracing the steps of Lincoln from the center of Gettysburg to the National Cemetery where he delivered these famous words in November 1863.

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Truly truly amazing words Lincoln was put on this Earth for a reason just as George Washington was.


I was born in Baltimore, November 19, 1960. Exactly 97 years after President Lincoln delivered these immortal words.
When I was a boy we visited Gettysburg plenty of times. My relatives were all Pennsylvania, Dutch.


Yes, I have a lump in my throat after this one. Lincoln's words are just as powerful and profound today as they were 158 years ago!


I have been to Gettysburg and it is even more impressive when you are actually there! Thank you very much for your wonderful words🙏🏻🙏🏻


I always find it fascinating to walk where history happened. It certainly brings it all into perspective.


If only governments around the world understood the concept of “ for the people “


I wish more young people would listen to that address, and realize the blood that it has taken to make this Nation Great and Give Us Freedom.


Excellent video. Timeless message for all of us who love our freedom.


The music in these videos are appropriate, non-intrusive and beautiful. Don't stop doing that.


That speech gives me goosebumps every time i hear or read it.
If only the world would listen to history.


It goes to show you, a speech means nothing, no matter how long, unless you have the power power to put meaning into it. I believe Lincoln had this, and many were afraid of the charisma he had. It only took 2 mins. to deliver his speech, but he gave it with truth, and faith.Yep, I had to learn the address in school.Thanks JD, another good piece in history.


Thank you for doing this. We are here this weekend and will visit this place on Memorial Day so that my child can see this place. ❤


As a Brit I did not, of course, learn the Gettysburg Address at school, rather, it was Winston Churchill and his words about fighting on beaches and never surrendering. Sadly, in this day and age, as our teaching becomes rightly more inclusive and diverse, we lose sight of and fail to appreciate the greatness that is our birthright in our haste to judge badly those who went before.
I have never actually heard the whole Address spoken, (shame on me!), only read it in books. Knowing it concludes with the single simplest and most accurate definition of democracy ever uttered is not the same as hearing it. As always, I salute the outstanding quality of your work..


This hit me at a good time when I and so many Americans are deeply concerned about this great nation. If we can survive that, we can survive the war we most surely are in presently and the continuing test of our endurance. Thank you!


Thank you for the entire series JD. As a Canadian, I knew a little about Gettysburg, but not enough. With the knowledge I now have, I'll be planning to visit the area when this pandemic is behind us. You are an amazing teacher sir!


I really appreciate your time as you unravel many of the great moments of the history of our nation. I also greatly appreciate how tender you are as you remember those who past in many of the locations you are referencing. Thank you for doing this.


Thank you for using 2 minutes of your time to read that for us. He was correct. We should never forget


My parents took me there in the summer of 92' when I was 16. While I can say I've been there I know I didn't appreciate where I was . Wish I was older when I visited. I find history so fascinating now. Thanks for the videos


Have sounded Taps three times on those hallowed grounds, and it never ceases to be both moving and tremendously gratifying. The men who died at that battlefield fought for their personal ideas, and ideas they felt were absolutely American in scope. These ideas were direct opposites and in untolled cases, had family fighting family on both sides of this great conflict. We simply need only look at this great battle for example of what happens when negotiation and compromise fails to happen. I pray we never forget this war, this pivotal battle, or those who fought and paid the ultimate sacrifice for their ideas, be they north or south. A war where half the country won and the other half lost is no win for anyone.


Your videos are a relaxing breath of fresh air in turbulent times thank you. Keep up the good work
