Start Life From Scratch at 50+

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1) Google "fee-only financial adviser" or visit (largest association of fee-only financial advisers). NOT an affiliate link
2) The first question to ask any financial adviser is, "Are you a fiduciary to me 100% of the time". Get the answer in writing
3) Please note that some people call themselves "fee-based". This is NOT the same as fee-only. Fee-only advisers have committed to being fiduciary to you 100% of the time.
4) Personally, I would only hire an adviser who is a fiduciary to me 100% of the time. This is not a suggestion on what you should do. Just sharing my personal preference.

⚠️ Azul's "Scammer" Warning ➡ PLEASE READ! ⚠️
Be careful of scammers. In the comments section, I will NEVER ask you to contact me, offer any investment products, recommend a stock broker, or anything similar. Some scam bot commenters 'ask' for investment help, and later, other comment bots reply with "how great X idea/investment/person is" in the replies. These are scam threads. Do not fall for them.


The decisions on how to invest, when to retire, and other financial planning topics are some of the most important financial decisions you will make in your life. I urge you to seek professional financial advice as you make this decision. Ideally, from a financial adviser, AND a CPA AND an attorney. Having the perspective of all three professions will help you make the right decision for you and your family.

This information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and may NOT be suitable for all investors.

This information is NOT intended to, and should NOT, form a primary basis for any investment decision that you may make. Always consult your own legal, tax, and/or investment advisor before making any investment/tax/estate/financial planning considerations or decisions.

Spoiler Alert: There are no "get rich" programs. Rather, just basic blocking & tackling and putting in time and care. Do your homework, choose wisely and (IMHO) work with experienced professionals who are fiduciary to you 100% of the time.

130(B){Selfie}[NE] Start Life From Scratch In Late 50s
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The thought of retirement makes me cry. My apologies to everyone who have retired and filing social security during this time after putting in all those years of work just to lose everything to a problem you weren't to blame's especially difficult for people who are retired.


We were very unfit when I was 50 but we bought a couple of cheap mountain bikes. Started off struggling round the local park but before too long we were cycle touring every holiday. When we retired (we are Australian) we took our bikes to Europe every year and toured a different country each year. Eventually sold up and moved to France and now Switzerland. I am now 79 and we still ski, hike or cycle every day.

A couple of weeks ago we rented an apartment at Andermatt and cycled the old cobbled road over the St Gotthard pass - I try to do it every year. This time was fantastic because the road had been cleared of snow but was still closed to traffic so we ducked under the boom gate and the way down was deserted, just us, on the way back there were just a handful of other cyclists.

So I do encourage people to follow Azul’s advice, it is pretty much what we have done and it has been fantastic - every day is an adventure with plenty of challenges.


Oh my goodness! I have been living for the future and struggle to enjoy the present for years now. Wish I could learn to live for today and enjoy it for what it is.


One key factor I think you are missing: Caring for our own eldery and declining parents. Some of us can not move on because we want to be there for our parents as they have been there for us.


This administration's degree of corruption and incompetence is getting ridiculous. I feel sorry for people who are disabled and do not get the support to which they are legally entitled. Leah Foster Alderman, you have my sincere gratitude. Imagine investing $1.5K and earning $6k in just four days.


My advice: Quit watching the news. Don't worry, if anything really important happens, you'll hear about it.


Made a complete career change at 47. Started from scratch and I'm now in the top 1-percent of my career field at 66. Oh what a ride it has been. I am very thankful.


Loving life until my beloved husband of 38 years died unexpectedly in Jan. 2024. 
Everything I deeply valued ie: belonging, loving, intimacy, sharing, calling to him "Hey babe", was over.
Where to live this time given the state of the world's decline? 
How to live life when time is of the essence and our life so short? 
How to do this alone when I have no idea where this will end up.


Perfect video for me at 58, addressing those very issues and changes in my life.


I always dreamed of the beach life, surfing, muscle beach, living life. Went to the beach @ 56 and I felt like I missed it, to old, felt out of place, beach is for youth. Had to reevaluate my life's goals.


You are doing great service by giving so much wisdom. Priceless. Thank you very much


I believe it was Montaigne who said that your 40s are the old age of youth and your 50s are the youth of old age.


Thank you Azul. I retired 7 months ago at 55. Loved my job and now I’m lost as to what to do next. This was helpful.


Starting Over is an apt term in my case. When I was 45, I developed a particularly aggressive case of Multiple Sclerosis that immediately cost me my ability to walk and to speak (among other things).

What I didn't realize was that the damage to my brain had also cost me about half of my memories.

An experimental treatment ultimately shut down MS progression, but it was decades before I started to regain my memories.


I lost everything at 47. I finished college at 49 and now three years into my new career. I don't own a house or a car. Take about starting over...


Fantastic, Azul !
Thank you for this
I’m enjoying Southeast Asia this year
In my 50s !


Enjoy 'every day...those are words of wisdom for sure.


Sage advice Azul. Thanks for sharing it!


Thanks Azul. This was really meaningful for me. I hold myself back a lot. And it’s not even money fears. Worst thing that happens to me I’ll get by, probably. I certainly won’t starve or live in a tent. It’s being fearful of failing. Thank you for your insights.


Great video Azul, thanks. I keep on telling these useful counsels to my father. 🎉
