How to Chroma Key on Black and Remove Dark Backgrounds in After Effects

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I developed this method, after spending many hours trying to chroma key on blue and green, in Adobe After Effects, but failed to get all the bits around details like hair frizz.
Keying-out black has been easier, especially since it is easier to blend, and can even add some substance to certain image types.
To my surprise, this particular method produces such a consistent result of-quality that it can be copy/pasted into new text graphics, and even video clips, to a certain degree.
In-brief, you import an image or video, then set the blending mode to "screen"... duplicate it, and then set that blending mode to "silhouette luma"... then duplicate that one seven times... then select the last one, set it back to normal, and activate "color range" + "key cleaner", and use the settings in the video for those effects, keying-out black.
I like to add a glow to the top "screen" object after that, in this case.
That's the method, in a nutshell, though.
Definitely a bit of a work-around solution, but it's great because it's so fast to implement, and it gives a really clean result.
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