Good Paying Remote Jobs For Retirees

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Good Paying Remote Jobs For Retirees


1) Google "fee-only financial adviser" or visit (the largest association of fee-only financial advisers). NOT an affiliate link
2) The first question to ask any financial adviser is, "Are you a fiduciary to me 100% of the time". Get the answer in writing
3) Please note that some people call themselves "fee-based". This is NOT the same as fee-only. Fee-only advisers have committed to being fiduciary to you 100% of the time.
4) Personally, I would only hire an adviser who is a fiduciary to me 100% of the time. This is not a suggestion on what you should do. Just sharing my personal preference.

⚠️ Azul's "Scammer" Warning ➡ PLEASE READ! ⚠️
Be careful of scammers. In the comments section, I will NEVER ask you to contact me, offer any investment products, recommend a stock broker, or anything similar. Some scam bot commenters 'ask' for investment help, and later, other comment bots reply with "how great X idea/investment/person is" in the replies. These are scam threads. Do not fall for them.


The decisions on how to invest, when to retire, and other financial planning topics are some of the most important financial decisions you will make in your life. I urge you to seek professional financial advice as you make this decision. Ideally, from a financial adviser, AND a CPA AND an attorney. Having the perspective of all three professions will help you make the right decision for you and your family.

This information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and may NOT be suitable for all investors.

This information is NOT intended to, and should NOT, form a primary basis for any investment decision that you may make. Always consult your own legal, tax, and/or investment advisor before making any investment/tax/estate/financial planning considerations or decisions.

Spoiler Alert: There are no "get rich" programs. Rather, just basic blocking & tackling and putting in time and care. Do your homework, choose wisely and (IMHO) work with experienced professionals who are fiduciary to you 100% of the time.


Рекомендации по теме

Im currently retired, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, I decided to stay on the sideline for awhile, now I'm worried with the numerous bank failures as of late, am I better off reinvesting my savings in the stock market or do I wait?


MOST rich people stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then most poor people stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich but impressing them


So many questions and answers are produced in these videos, thank you. I am working on getting over that hump of retirement vs hanging on. I use to love what i still do, but i dont any longer. You are helping me and all of us to seek the answers that are making that decision. Please keep the good info flowing.


As an ex IT guy at Boeing (position laid off to India) am getting contacts via LinkedIn from the NSA and some other scary invitations to interview. But I am done with working, loving retirement so far :)


I will keep my work from home job as a triage nurse. Planning to quit my regular schedule next year when I turn 65 because I don’t want to pay high insurance premiums right now. My goal is to work 2-4 shifts a month to supplement my income from either SS or savings. Currently figuring that out with our advisor. :)


I am exploring option to be the virtual. Executive assistant when I retire and go back to Japan. So I can't use English/French/Japanese skill set. And provide service to the Xpat Who are visiting Japan?


There is always "Welcome to Walmart"


Maybe not become a retiree if you need these jobs? Just a thought.


Have you had a facelift recently? Looking younger 😊


For me, I believe retirees who struggle to meet their basic needs are the ones who could not accumulate enough money during their active years to meet their needs. Retirement choices determine a lot of things. My wife and I both spent same number of years in the civil service, she invested through a wealth manager and myself through the 401k. We both still earning after our retirement.


These are very valuable info for anybody who wants to get rich. Unfortunately, most people who will watch this video will not really be able to apply the principles. We may not want to admit, but as Warren Buffett once said, investing is like any other profession-- it requires a certain level of expertise. No surprise that some people are losing a lot of money in the bear market, while others are making hundreds of thousands in profit. I just don't know how they do it. I have about $109k now to put in the market.


Wow, what an incredible video! No matter the circumstances, it's crucial for everyone to have a burning passion and a clear goal to strive for. Once you have that focus, making choices becomes effortless and enjoyable. Personally, I've witnessed a remarkable transformation in my financial journey. From an ordinary lifestyle to earning over $63k per month, it's truly astounding! By consistently compounding my income through various profitable investments like savings accounts, stocks, bonds, and high-yield dividend funds, I've built a well-diversified portfolio worth seven figures. Thanks to the guidance of financial professional Gregory Thomas Patchak, I've learned to concentrate my efforts and prepare for any financial struggles that come my way. The world of finance is full of opportunities, you just need to stay focused on the right path.


They all sound boring in my humble opinion. 😮 You need to know technology...the downfall of Mankind.


Some interesting ideas Azul. I’ve heard of the English instructor job before and similarly they don’t want you to speak the native language. AI prompt engineer sounds interesting too. Good to be on the inside track with our future masters 😂


Teaching English online used to be pretty profitable, especially VIPKID, but they do not pay well now and the volume is down quite a bit since China outlawed their children from taking these classes from "foreigners" in 2021.


I thought VIP kid was no longer available


The old $1 - $5 - $12 Rule
If it takes $5 to get a new customer then
It takes $1 to keep a customer but,
It takes $12 to get a former customer back


In the future, can you hire a youtube contact manager to display the links you mention in your videos on the screen as well as above in the description? If you don't type some of them correctly, you may put people at risk of inadvertently going to a sketchy site that may do harmful things to your computer.


Always enjoy and appreciate your insights Azul. Not planning any side hustles in my retirement but it's interesting to know the industry trends. Looks like you are at an airport- hope you are embarking on another exciting adventure!


I'm sorry but these were not very good job suggestions for older adults. I quit listening after the first three.
