UNHOOKING : How To Permanently DETATCH From A Toxic Person Or Relationship & Finally Move ON

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PODCAST EPISODE - UNHOOKING : How To Permanently DETATCH From A Toxic Person Or Relationship & Finally Move ON



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The last bit- "you don't have to sacrifice your soul to be safe. You're already safe."
That hit my heart.


That is it. The unworthiness. The need to stand in someone else's storm to PROVE that I am WORTHY of love...how gross. Thank you for giving me the language of it.


I'm glad you made this video it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, $34k monthly and a good daughter full of love ❤️❤️


Thank you! My “hook” started before I was born, my mother didn’t want to have me, but was forced by my father to carry me and to give birth to me… I always thought that I was adopted, and cried of loneliness through my young years. Something that I carried with me all my life, with serious relationships that betrayed me, thankfully I was strong enough to leave them, but still feel the pain for them… I’m 75 years old now and really want to be free and really accept that I’m lovable; not in my head, but in my heart… Thank you! ❤


“…you’re worthy of love without standing in someone else’s storm” 🙏 . Game changer.


It made perfect sense to me when I realized that I was looking for people to give things to me that they didn't have. That's all I needed to know lol. Just like our parents don't have unconditional self-love so they can't offer it, or boyfriends who had not witnessed a balanced Divine masculine and feminine in each of their parents, certainly didn't know how to emulate being a person like that, or creating a healthy relationship.... just as I did not LOL and the way I describe it to people: you have two people meeting each other at the same level of unconscious wounding from their childhoods, it just may not look like it on the surface, but they're both trying to get their unspoken needs met in the same child like ways they always did, and neither one is going to be able to do that for the other, and that neither person is truly self-aware, and they are triggering the other in some way with the same old childhood reactions, in adult bodies❤ it's about radical acceptance of that, and then doing something different. Otherwise you keep getting what you've always got


Wow. I can't even explain. That image of the hook in your heart is so significant to me. I was in a deeply abusive marriage with a narcissist for 16 years and felt so trapped for so long. I used to draw this image of a woman with a hook through her chest being held just under the surface of the water-- that's what my life felt like. It felt like I was drowning but if I struggled to reach the surface for air, this hook would split my chest in half and I would die anyway.
Leaving him was the hardest thing I've ever done. Not because I loved him, but because of how it stripped me of my entire ego and quite literally turned my life inside out to get away.
It's interesting how certain snares are harder to untangle your mind from. The belief that I "deserved this" pain was a hard one to overcome.


If im in a hurry, I quickly freeze souls out of my life by writing their name on a piece of paper, soaking the paper, balling it up & and putting it in the freezer. Saying something relevant to the situation like 'you are now out of my life'. I did this with a toxic neighbour who was 'never going to leave.' Was gone in 10 days. Completely moved out.


My hook is that im not good enough to be independent. I NEED a partner or soulmate/other half to make it in the world and stay safe. You don’t need intelligence just a man. I need to be a servant to others. Make sure their life is worth living..never mind mine. Take anything handed to me whether abusive or not. Pretty toxic codependency.
I’ve unhooked. Living independently and in abundance and happy and do not stay in any relationship that is unloving and disrespectful anymore.
My life is a bit smaller and yet more expansive! I can breathe and dream again. ❤❤
Total freedom!
Tough uprooting because it was so many family members who tried to keep me small. Religious, cultural lies.
I thanked them in spirit for the role they played for me and let them go.
I know I came to transform this system and not adapt to it. I’m proud..it’s why I volunteered to be here at this time. For my soul to wake up to the fact that I am a divine limitless being. I had to experience this control ❤and abuse to understand who I really was.
I love myself and I want better now that I know better.


My hook was the belief that I am not worthy of love. This lead to codependent relationships, and accepting friendships and relationships where I did all the work. I have healed this hook and I am free. I've started a new chapter in my life. Thank you MJ for guidance. ♎❤️


Wow! I needed to hear this. Thank you so much for this video. I have been in a narcissistic relationship for the last 30 years and i am just realizing that its time to leave. Just not sure how. After listening to this, it starts with me doing the unhooking. Thank you so much.


This is one if the first times i have really heard someone actually provide some clear direction on how to identify the hook and actually take steps to change it. You talk my language. Very appreciative of your help. I have been working a long time trying to unhook from codependency. Its a tough uphill battle. After hearing this i will dig a little deeper once again. Thank you ❤


My hook is (was?) seeking external validation for my thoughts and ideas. I was hooked if I felt significant. That's not to say that I was looking for agreement; I just wanted to be of entertaining and engaging interest. So I was hook-able by anyone who expressed an understanding of or an interest in my thoughts.


The" hook" is an energetic vibration. It's a subconscious vibe, and we attract others to us, who are of the same frequency. Penny Pierce's book "Frequency" & her podcasts explain a lot. You HAVE TO change the frequency energeticly. Reiki, sound therapy, bio-field tuning, NLP, tapping, etc. are very effective techniques & you can do some of these techniques on yourself 🙏


This video needs a love button, like just doesn’t do it.
Thank you! ♥️♥️♥️


This is so true..I attract men who are unhealed and have narcissistic traits. I need to work on this. I know unhealed people cannot love the right way. I know I'm worthy of love and will not settle for less.


My hook is people wanting to lead me/own me/direct me, my new affirmation is I'm independent and strong and demonstrate leadership in my daily life.


This couldn’t have come at a better time for me. Thank you


Amazing video! My hook is a belief that I'm not good enough. I battle with myself over this false belief. I'm still working on getting that hook out. Obviously, I need to dig deeper.
