Introduction to Using Trigonometric Identities (Precalculus - Trigonometry 23)
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A quick look at Trig Identities and how to use them. Basic identities such as the Pythagorean Identity, Reciprocal Identities, and Even/Odd Identities are explored.
I don’t even need to watch this. Just dropping by to show some love. You took me through Calc 1, 2, and 3. Forever love you man!!
Professor, You've taught me calculus and Differential equations. Its time you teach me the arm routine.
I Love all Leonard videos. I wake up in the morning. Do some Bible Study, followed by a Leonard video and I’m ready to take on my day… 😇 Best Math Videos Ever!
Greetings from Sweden.
The statistics series is a complete life saver. Came in here just to show appreciation for your craft sir.
You look like Clark Kent but you're even better. He's using his powers for good. You bestow your superpowers upon others.
Thank you for everything you do sir.
Wow amazing that you've been doing this for like 10 years and all for free. Huge props to you
Great video! I watched your other videos too and they were all interesting and your always humble or never brag that you can do everything. I can't wait to watch more videos from you!
My professor literally just finished reviewing this with us, and now you’re gonna help me get this down. Thank you
Thanks for the helpful video, studying for a Precalc final.
Professor Leonard, thank you for a short and sweet video/lecture on the Introduction to Using Trigonometric Identities in Precalculus. Transcendental functions and their identities are very important in Mathematics, Physics and Applied Engineering. In the final example, equal signs are missing.
don't typically comment on videos, but your videos are great and you are an amazing teacher!!! Thank you so much!!
Watching from india 🇮🇳, I listened to many of your lectures, I am also telling my friends.I have prepared your lecture notes. Thank you sir
20:29 yes, for the first time in my life, I see what you mean. Factoring is great.
Your channel should be called “Math Chad”
From Iraq, we are studying this in the last stage of study and it is fun to study with an English teacher instead of an Arabic one to kill two birds with one stone, learning English and learning mathematics. 😅😊❤
i have a few friends who were considering changing streams, they took science, and wanted to go commerce...then the best coincidence occurred and i found your channel...sent them the links to your videos, their reaction was "where was he? dude where was he? why do we find stuff out late? although that's better than never finding the it, but dude, where was he?"
God you are so amazing you brought me in maths heaven
thanks so much, this all seems above my pay grade but I am trying.
Hello professor from Egypt
I hope you make a series for linear algebra.
Just what I need now doing robotics engineering
i watched this video and at 21:07 i did the problem differently and would like to know if it was a option, or did i just get lucky when i came out with the right answer. Instead of factoring i split it in to 2 fractions. cos(sqrd) over cos(sqrd) and - 1over cos. help.. lol... i later followed your video and did it the way you did it and got the same answer. Just luck? Thanks.. love your videos.. happy to support your channel..