Nikon’s NEXT Z Camera Is?! Major Canon Product DELAYED???

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This week we have stories about me using Canon's 24-105 2.8 and Sony's a9 III in the Real World on Safari. Canon Rumors is claiming a 200-500 f4 RF is DELAYED. And what will Nikon's NEXT Z body be??? This is YOUR Photo News Fix!!!

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If I were to offer a limited amount of spots on a Photo Safari in Kenya...would you be interested in joining? Pricing might be around 6K give or take, not including airfare.


I'm hoping they release a D500 replacement 24-28mp, crop 'stacked' sensor, mini z8 in design.


Z6iii is rumored to release summer of 2024, however they will likely announce it much earlier in 2024 for pre-orders. Nikon reps told me, that their user base of pro videographers prefer tilt down screens which work better mounted in cages, vs. fully rotating, so Z6iii will likely remain tilt down and up. Most of specs of ZF will be in Z6iii, except better dual card slots SD/CFexpress B.


My guess for the Nikon is it will be a Z6 III with faster burst shooting (perhaps 20 fps tops both JPEG and RAW) and the Expeed 7, coupled to the existing sensor. So basically a Zf of sorts, in the Z6 body (with CFE+SD card slot option) but faster burst shooting than the Zf and Z6 II). That is my guess. I don't see them dumping a bunch of money into a Z6 III to be honest, and probably not a new sensor (like some people are hoping for, like a 33MP sensor) as that would drive up the price. My guess is that a Z6 III will probably be around $2200 as Nikon does like to undercut the competition in many cases. Likewise, it's possible a similarly speced (although higher-res) Z7 III may also be coming too, but overall have the same featurs as the Z6 III but just more megapixels, and I would say maybe $3300 (the Z6 II and Z7 II will probably stay at $1600$-$1800 and $2500-$2700 respectively from this point onwards -- even after the current holiday sale ends on 12/31).


Honestly in a Z6III...I think it will be around a 30-ish MP camera, maybe stacked sensor (but doubt it), with Xspeed 7, and updated AF, 15fps Raw, and that will be the biggest upgrades. I do not believe you will see 8K video (maybe, just maybe in the Z7III) but 6K max (thermal dynamics of the small body will prevent 8K)...but I think 6K may be reserved for the Z7III.
I think you will see the Z6II drop to $1599US and the Z6III will be $1999US, the Z6 stock will all but disappear.
Things I'd like to see beyond that, fully articulating screen (but I doubt it, Nikon hates these for some reason, even though the Zf has one), tally light, further improved weather the top of my head.
This camera has potential to sell a literal crap ton if they hit that sweet spot. The Z7III, Z8, Z9 are out of a lot of people's wheelhouse...both financially and in use case...the Z6III is going to sell a lot IMHO and I can't wait to get one.


What I want to see from Nikon is a d500 replacement. A cropsensor 30fps 20mbx with an AF system close to z8/9.


The Z6 III is going to be a Zf in a modern design with a CFexpress slot. *Maybe* with a higher resolution. Because that is all it needs to be. A Z6 II with a better AF system.
And given that it will probably use the Expeed 7 processor, even without a stacked sensor the performance should be way better with proper tracking and better subject recognition. Because apparently dual Expeed 6s are to whimpy for that even though cameras in the past had better tracking as well...
I'm also curious about what will succeed the Z7 II. My guess is a higher MP camera at around 60mp with a slower framerate for landscape shooters. Doesn't Sony have a sensor in that segment that they could use?


Nikon really need to make a Z70 professional crop sensor to replace the D500/D7000 series. A Z50 with dual cards and IBIS. That would sell.


The RF 24-105mm f/2.8 and the RF 100-300mm f/2.8 feel like Canon could be redefining the traditional zoom ranges of the “f/2.8 trinity.” Let’s wait and see what the range of focal lengths will [be] offered for an UWA f/2.8 zoom.


That Lion encounter was awesome! Great sample of your safari images!!! I'd go.


i'd love to see the z6iii with 30mp +/- and 20 fps burst in uncompressed raw or at least in lossless compressed.


Z6iii wishlist: Z6 ergos with Zf guts, with the flippy screen and CFexpress cards. Also a real battery grip accessory with proper secondary controls.


Other than not having the inconvenience of attaching and detaching, what are the actual benefits of having the integrated grip?


Great photos! I cant wait to see the rest of your images. Of course I'd go on a safari with Jared!


These rumor sites are ridiculous. Nikon isn't going to build a camera that could siphon off Z8 or Z9 sales.

I have a Z6 & Z8 so, I'm not looking to upgrade at the moment but I'd like to see a Z6 III with the same amount of MP minus the AA filter but with improved AF and more conventional Nikon controls. IE rubberized command dials, AF C/AF S button, mode/metering/WB dials with quick format functions. And add backlit buttons.


I’m still rocking with the D750, I’m not ready to part ways 😅


I recently returned from my Masai Mara trip. The colors on your photos are awesome. On a near future youtube can you do a quick processing on 1 or 2 of your images. What presets are you using?


Best intro clip EVER
Bias, cos its the best movie ever!


I'd go on a safari with Jared haha, would love to talk YouTube and photography all day!


Awesome pictures. Does anyone know (maybe he mentioned it) what plugin settings he used for the two elephant shot greeting photo? Thanks.
