things girls HATE… 😡✋🏼 #shorts

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she’s so stunning, idk why people hate on her, like I’m not even kidding.


One of my favorite compliments was from this old man I complimented at the store. So this old guy was whistling to himself. He was really good at it, so I complimented him on it. He later comes up to my mum, who I was with at the time to tell her how nice I was and that I should be on the debate team. It was so sweet, and that old guy lives in my brain rent-free now lol


I hate the one about periods. “You’re angry, so it must be that time of the month.” It comes across as them insinuating I don’t have a reason to be upset, which is even more upsetting. Lmao.


Guys we really need to make her viral she is Literally and angel sent from heaven


I have been told at too many thanksgivings “You eat to much for your age” or “Slow down! Leave some for us!” even “A normal girl wouldn’t eat like that” but I do taekwondo AND cross country, I don’t understand how they can say that to me when I burn off calories super fast, and need more to have energy. Sorry for the vent, thought this comment section was nice 👍


i relate to the eating one so much. it literally happened to me today. at lunch i wasn’t that hungry so i was giving my friends my food and they said “you’re not eating much what’s wrong?” and then at dinner time i was starving and i wanted a second helping and then my mum said “you don’t need to eat that much no” when i was going to go get more.


The funny thing is these sterotypes or judgements are given to me from my mom and my dad is the one who is always respectful and steps in


"If he bullies you, he likes you"

my wholr school has a crush on me


when you said "overwhelmed and emotional" I felt that. when I cry at school, they call me things like "crybaby" and I hate it so much.


I relate so much to the “is that all your going to eat?” Comment.

I was at my aunt’s house and I got some food in my plate and she asked “is that all your going to eat?” I didn’t know what to say. So I just said I wasn’t that hungry. I later went to tell my mom and she said “well at least she wasn’t telling you to eat less.” As if telling me to eat more wasn’t commenting on my diet.

Literally why are people like this? When can people be happy with what or how much we eat?!?!? Girlies, you can eat whatever the heck you want in whatever quantity you want!


exactly o get told i’m being bossy and that i will distract boys ugh they need to get a grip


I taught my baby cousin to ask teachers "oh, is that the way you like to be treated?" Whenever a teacher or adult says, "he just does that because he likes you"


The "You'd be pretty if you just made an effort, " hit hard because I was wearing a bunch of makeup at the time and I was feeling pretty good about myself


if this generation grows up, i hope i see schools that actually do something about these major problems.


I got that from my whole family “you should put in more effort. Try wearing makeup once in a while!” Then when I did it was “well who are you dressed up for?” I never wore a skirt. Never wore makeup for the majority of my life because of stuff like this.


This group of boys would sexually harass me and a few other girls. When we talked to the principal about it he said- and i quote: " Are you sure he doesn't just like you?"


You are the only channel which is literally 100% relatable to me.


I went to a small school. There were 6 of us in my grade and I was the only girl. Once in year one we all scribbled over a drawing of clowns on a sheet because we were allowed to colour them in and I was the only one that got yelled at and the teacher said to me "your a girl so your meant to colour it in nice and inside the lines. You shouldn't have used red but girl colours like pink and purple. I'm disappointed and I expected more from you." Or that's the summary of what she said, anyway.


People are always like “ he just likes u”


I wear makeup to school like the basic stuff really. I just wear foundation, concearler, brow gel, face powder and blush, and mascara aswell. I never go in with lashes, eyeshadow or lipstick or anything like that and my mum is always saying “don’t know why you have to go to school with that much makeup on, it isn’t a fashion show” like i totally understand that but I just wanna express myself and im not even allowed to
