09 - SP - The Triune Brain & Information Processing

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Our brains are divided up into three sections: the reptilian brain (body brain), the mammalian brain (emotional brain), and the neocortex (thinking brain--which is also divided into right and left hemispheres). Each of these sections has its own way of processing information and it is best when they work well together. Sometimes as a result of our brain's adaptation to trauma and attachment difficulties, they are out of sync or one dominates more than another.

In this video, Dr. May will talk about how each of the 3 brains function and how they are impacted by trauma and attachment. This will help you to better understand yourself and how you respond to events in your everyday life.

**In addition to SP, this channel contains videos of ALL the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills, Radically Open DBT skills, Developmental Trauma Adaptive Survival Styles and much more! Please check out the other videos and feel free to SUBSCRIBE.

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Hi.. Your sessions are very informative, I am from India and here we don't have much dbt trainers.. I have couple of doubts. May I know, how it would be possible for me to get connect with you


Hi :) - Do you have an email that you're open to be contacted at?


Are you open to new clients on Zoom? jpj
