TNO Custom Super Event | God destroys Burgundy

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When you're so evil that god personally comes to kill you
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As the sky darkens, the streets of Ost-Paris lay empty, not one soul to bear witness the series of events that is about to transpire...
A rugged man in tattered clothes warns the slaves who work in the labor camps and in the Ghettos "In a fortnight, after the sun falls into the horizon, remain in your homes and close all your windows and entrances, for the wrath of god will sweep the streets, towns, and cities to cleanse the land in heavenly justice."
It was not long after the rumors had reached the ears of Himmler's regime, they filled themselves in foolish confidence and blinded themselves with lies, "nothing but Jewish legends, they're not true!" they proclaimed, but their actions were fruitless in protecting themselves from the might of god.
And his words were true... for on the very last day of the second week, after the sun left the sky to welcome the night, a storm of locusts and mosquitos severed the light of the moon and fed upon the farms and crop-fields.
Maggots and flies feasted on the food, fire swept all over Ost-Paris, the land turned infertile and mud flooded entire towns...
...And on the last hour of the night, a blinding light covered the land taking with itself every sinful man it encountered.

As the morning sun arose from it's slumber, the land laid quiet... The ghettos were miraculously unharmed, and Himmler was found dead with both eyes milky white and riddled with maggots on the steps of his home.
The guards were gone, the military was gone, the Collaborators and the entire high command of the Himmler regime was gone.

The people breathed an air full of hope, something that they had not experienced for years...


"Alright, that's enough."
- God.


I wanna imagine the reason god took so long in this timeline was because he took one glance at the stuff himmler and his followers were gonna do and decided he needed to make whole new level of hell to just put these guys in.


Conditions for this to happen (suposition)
-Burgundy has completed its nuclear program
-Heydrich Germany follows Burgundian orders
-Burgundy owns/occupy Rome (therefore the Vatican) and Jerusalem


Himmler marched down the vast courtyard, as his men ran in panic. Locusts filled the air, the ground shook, lightning of all colors slashed the sky. The men’s canteens cracked and nothing short of pestilence shot out and consumed their bodies, the screams soon turning to thumps of their bodies. “HEINREICH!” A familiar voice cries out. He turns, a disgusted sneer on his face. Claus von Stauffenberg, a traitor to the Reich. He raised upon his hand and shouted to the world “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” As the sky shook and the earth kneeled before him. Himmler only marched inside, continuing to lie to himself upon this whole ordeal. He wouldn’t have time to change his mind.


In the beginning of the song “The Plagues” there is a phrase that says: “All through the land of Egypt”. In this case they should change it to: “All through the land of Burgund”.


Whoever is afraid of what Satan can do, is because he does not know the Wrath of God


The head of anti-fascist resistance in Burgundy is a catholic priest, so this kind of fits.


This is probably just like the Ark of the Covenant scene in Indiana Jones, just the Angels hunting all the Nazis around


Himmler's greatest mistake was failing to realise that since Christ is immortal and Christ is man, and Christ is Jewish, that the last aryan will die with at least one Jew still alive


When the server owner comes back after a nap to see a meme in the general chat:


Plot twist: it wasn't God, it was Yazov!


"God saved the world for no one else could"


Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord...

Since you refuse to free my people
All through the land of Burgundy

I send a pestilence and plague into your house, into your bed
Into your streams, into your streets, into your drink, into your bread
Upon your cattle, upon your sheep, upon your oxen in your field
Into your dreams, into your sleep, until you break, until you yield!

I send the swarm, I send the horde
Thus saith the Lord!


tfw God is forced to get off his ass and save humanity from the horror that is Himmler


I'm glad I wasn't the only one to think about this song in the context of TNO! My idea is that it would play when the Divine Mandate is at war with Germany, and God would punish Germany with a modern version of the Ten Plagues, making the war progressively more impossible for them to win.

Alternately, I have also kind of imagined it as a theme for the United Partisan Organization.


“God loves everyone unconditionally, however not everyone does the same.”


The Archangel Micheal looked down at the destroyed husks of Burgundy's buildings, bases, and ghettoes.
"Why?" He asked the Lord, "Why punish them now? And if so, why not send down your army?"
This was the first time Micheal had ever questioned the Lord. Which made the other Archangels shutter.
Without a word, the Lord showed a layer of hell that he had never seen before. "Is this... a layer of hell... for the Burgundians?"
The Lord nodded, and after walking away leaving Micheal to look in horror at this layer of hell he had never seen before said only this, "Never again will my people suffer."


Romans is such a great book in the Bible, you could legit drain a highlighter on it alone


"alright that's enough" - God
