How to set up a Guppy Pond!

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Tick Tock @Michaelsfishroom

Pond Pump

Breeding for Profit Playlist:


Companies I support:
Aquarium Co Op
KJE Aquatics
Mike's Bulgarian Green Angelfish
Keep FishKeeping Spectacular Bettas and other Fish stuff!
**Products I use or have used in the Fish Room**
API Freshwater Master Test Kit

My Favorite Power Filter

Fritz ACCR

Fritz Complete

Seachem Prime

Seachem Safe

Python Water Change System

Aquarium Co-Op Sponge Filter (THE BEST!)

Aquarium Co-Op Test Strips

Lee’s Specimen Container


API General Cure

Ich X

Blue Airline Tubing

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You made my day with: you need to properly acclimate *drops fishes into the pond* 😂


I'm mixing a few different colors of snakeskins in a pond this summer! so far I've put 1m.3f each of "green" (yellow with blue iridophores), yellow, and koi together, and I'm going to add in blues and reds later on (just waiting to see which of the fry are good enough to stay in their own strain's breeding tank first).
I think I may also add in some laces just to see what other patterns might pop up in the mutts, lol.


Outdoor ponds are the best. I especially love seeing guppies with lots of topside iridescence in them.


Alway nice to watch your videos.
Thanks you for doing what you do.


Lmao😂 I love the instructions on the plant bags! ❤ Keith is the best!❤


Mike bro you are hilarious I love watching your videos. Anything you do will be a success cause your the man. Smart with the screen I keep buckets of water out side in the summer and I bought a white mesh that I put over it to keep the Un wanted critters outside. Anyways another great funny ass video


Mike I have 2 ponds going with half black red rose and mutt guppies both from you and added some mutts of my own


Enjoy the video. Maybe one day I can do something like this


It's hot as balls in south Alabama. I've had fish outside since May. I can tell you that guppies can put up with just about anything when it comes to temperature fluctuations. I hope if I build a frame around the tubs and put some type of insulation in between tub and frame that it would help. 
Once my cat shed is wired for electricity, I'm going to move my more heat sensitive fish into the shed.
I'm unsure about ordering fish right now. Opp, AL gets nothing overnight. Anything shipped here will take at least one day longer than you would expect. I'm worried about the fish shipping in 100 F. I need some more guppies to mix with the mutts I have.


I started a mutt guppy pond this year. It was the same pond i had my endlers in last year that sadly due to an electrical outlet frying, didn't make it through the winter. So the pond was empty this year. I am starting with 6 mutt guppies bc that is all i had to put in there. 3 females (2 yellow blonde bodies, 1 half black grey body) and 3 males, they are rainbow colors is all i can use to describe them...i do have videos up on my youtube if you want to check them out and maybe tell me but they are just rainbow mutts. Later this summer i am planning on adding more guppies to the pond for some fresh dna as 5 of my 6 are brothers and sisters, 1 i believe came from a different mom as she is the only grey bodied one i found in my 20 gallon in the house.


I live up in MA - any tips for letting these winter over, or do you not do that? I have a couple og landscaped ponds that have goldfish wintering over but obviously once the temps get colder in the fall the guppies don't make it. I've kept tropical tanks for years, but new to outdoor ponds. Cheers!


How well do you think albino guppies would do in an outdoor tub? Do you think the sun would bother their eyes too much?


I am still salty that damselfly nymphs ate all of my caridina shrimp. $100 worth of shrimp gone in like 2 days. I didn't even know there were nymphs in my pond at the time.


If you love certain YouTubers - just let the commercials play in full. That little sacrifice on your time, helps your favorite channels stats and adds a few shekels to his pot. I saw plant an all Purple tub, mosaic, dragons, moscows, Americans etc...Purple Power!


Yo i got question
Whenever i get guppy they looks healthy fat good swimming everything fine
But as time passes the next generation swims a bit weird like snake, they get skinny, don't eat as usual and get less active and eventually die early age. Some don't even get adult size idk what's happening, this only happens with guppies
Every other fish is great even after many gens like platy, swordtail, .. 🥲🙁🤔
