Ep 69: Why do you see something everywhere after you've seen it once? | INNER COSMOS PODCAST

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Ep 69: Why do you see something everywhere after you've seen it once? | INNER COSMOS WITH DAVID EAGLEMAN 

What does the Baader-Meinhof Group, a West German terrorist group from the 1970s, have to do with the front of your brain, attention, salience, and synchronicity? And why might you soon hear about the Baader-Meinhof Group again, not for political reasons, but for reasons to do with your own neural networks? Join Eagleman for a dive into how we take in the world around us -- and how we get fooled about the frequencies of events.

Original Air Date: July 29, 2024


Neuroscientist and author David Eagleman discusses how our brain interprets the world and what that means for us. Through storytelling, research, interviews, and experiments, David Eagleman tackles wild questions that illuminate new facets of our lives and our realities.

New episodes weekly on iHeartRadio.

TAGS: #DavidEagleman #InnerCosmoswithDavidEagleman #InnerCosmos #Science #Neuroscience #Neuroscientist #Eagleman
Рекомендации по теме

When I took the "Invisible Gorilla" Test I got the number of balls passed correct and did NOT even see a hint of the "gorilla" walking through. I had to go out and buy the book. In the profession I spent 47 years in (Safety Services) hard focus could save lives and yet in other contexts, lives could be lost. Know the context you are in, and learn what is important to focus on in that operational context! Outstanding lecture as always. Thank you so much!!!


Love the idea of how to turn our unconscious experience more conscious. I learned a trick to deal with avoiding or minimizing conformational bias by getting into a habit of always asking if and how the opposite of what I believe or know could be true. It helps me be more open minded and tolerant with greater empathy and understanding of others. 😊


Great stuff 👏
Pardolia even drives entire movements of thought explorations across generations like the one we are ending.


I am an avid listener of this podcast. never missed an episode. Hahaha I am now listening on youtube coz I dont have my spotify. this pod is super underrated.


You are my favourite Scientist
Just watched your The Brain by David Eagleman
Loved it❤


I saw a cormorant a few weeks ago. Have yet to see another one.


When i zoom in and hyper focus on all the sounds around me is actually what causes panic attacks for me


I knew this was coming when you shared the video about magic tricks! I wonder if you will connect these two dots to "manipulation" in your next videos. Because manipulative people try to pull our attention out where they want and slide into our subconscious bypassing the conscious barrier easily. And through this way, they don't face a defense system that is neural webbed by the conscious mind.


Three days - and BOOM there it (Baader-Meinhof) was on my feed


Role of Mind

It is indeed the mind that is the cause of men's bondage and liberation.
The mind that is attached to sense-objects leads to bondage, while dissociated from sense objects it tends to lead to liberation.
So they think.
— Amritabindu Upanishad


Good stuff but can you turn off the music while you are talking? It's distracting.


Some call it the “Baader–Meinhof phenomenon”
Genesis calls it ”Adam naming the animals”
Men can’t perceive what they cannot name.


the baader meinhof and the monkey dont work for me. but the English words i learn is much much weirder because not only i have to pay attention to it but i read it. with subtitle.
and when i learn about it. i will be like wow that is a nice word. and watching old films i be like how can that word be here cause i though i never seen that word.

and my personal idea is my brain learn them but it is just dont keep it. it select relevant memories. and i think both can be true because brain ignore noises when there is too many. but in my case i have read the word so it been in my attention.


When I look at the view count on your videos
My opinion about the rest of the world
:There seems to be no sign of intelligent life here
-Buzz light year


What can you say about the idea that people with ADD and autism don't have the same filters as other people.
