The Genealogist Woodworker is No More | NAME CHANGE!!!

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Hi everyone. Thank you for checking out this video because your support really means a lot to me. After a lot of consideration, I decided to change the name of my business and, in turn, the name of my social media accounts and this YouTube channel. The name Genealogist Woodworker means a lot to me and it was the perfect description of what I did prior to making videos. I worked as a professional genealogist, took on clients, and I made things that we centered on family. I engraved family trees, mementos, things like that.

But as my business grew and I started making videos, I feel like my content sort of outgrew the business name. All of that changes today because I’m rolling out a new name! NEWTON MAKES.

I really dig the new logo. I don’t plan to change the type of content that I make. This is only a cosmetic change for all of you, but it means a lot to me. If you like the type of stuff that I make then you definitely want to stick around and see what I have in store for us in the future. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

Thank you so much for following along in my woodworking journey. It’s been an absolute blast and you inspire me to be more creative. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

After this video goes live, I’ll make changes to the channel’s name, art and logo. I don’t want you to be surprised by the change because you all deserve to know that it’s happening.

That’s all for me. Have an amazing day and get in your shop and build something awesome!

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It makes sense, it better suits what you do. As a big fan of the channel, I actually googled genealogy a few months back.


Congrats! Looking forward to the new stuff you have in store for 2021.


You’re right, it’s pretty good! Congrats


Cool! Congratulations on the growth!! Great rebranding!!


Ah, I often wondered if the genealogist part was a play on family tree... Because... Wood. That makes a lot more sense now!


Great name change, new logo is awesome, 🤗 send me the old on lol. Oh and another thing.... why did you have the pup in the video from the start 🤪🐕


Definitely less of a mouthful and requires no explanation. From a marketing perspective, a very intelligent decision.
