How to Create a GitLab Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkins

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Timecodes ⏱:
00:00 Introduction
00:21 Overview
00:34 Starting point
02:03 Create a GitLab Personal Access Token to use with a Jenkins controller
03:16 Create a SSH Key in GitLab
04:11 Create a GitLab Personal Access Token credential in a Jenkins controller
05:01 Create a SSH Username with private key credential in a Jenkins controller
06:09 Configure GitLab server
07:44 Create a multibranch pipeline
11:01 Add a Jenkinsfile to the GitLab project
12:57 Create a new branch in the GitLab project
14:09 Modify the Jenkinsfile in the new branch
15:42 Create a merge request in GitLab
16:28 Review the MR in the multibranch pipeline
17:10 Merge the merge request and review the multibranch pipeline
18:41 Conclusion
#jenkins #multibranch #gitlab
Information referenced in this video:
Jenkins LTS 2.277.1
GitLab Branch Source plugin 1.5.4
CloudBees on Twitter:
Darin on Twitter:
Timecodes ⏱:
00:00 Introduction
00:21 Overview
00:34 Starting point
02:03 Create a GitLab Personal Access Token to use with a Jenkins controller
03:16 Create a SSH Key in GitLab
04:11 Create a GitLab Personal Access Token credential in a Jenkins controller
05:01 Create a SSH Username with private key credential in a Jenkins controller
06:09 Configure GitLab server
07:44 Create a multibranch pipeline
11:01 Add a Jenkinsfile to the GitLab project
12:57 Create a new branch in the GitLab project
14:09 Modify the Jenkinsfile in the new branch
15:42 Create a merge request in GitLab
16:28 Review the MR in the multibranch pipeline
17:10 Merge the merge request and review the multibranch pipeline
18:41 Conclusion
#jenkins #multibranch #gitlab
Information referenced in this video:
Jenkins LTS 2.277.1
GitLab Branch Source plugin 1.5.4
CloudBees on Twitter:
Darin on Twitter:
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