Ballerina farm: Is Hannah Neeleman happy with her trad-wife lifestyle? | Megan Agnew

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“I think she’s really tired.”

Despite Hannah Neeleman missing out on her dream of becoming a ballerina, Megan Agnew said she believes the queen of the trad wives is happy.

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If i were to guess who is more happy and fulfilled hannah or megan it most definitely is Hannah.


Not even remotely accurate. You say she always wanted to be a ballerina and daniel wanted to be a farmer. She clearly states she always wanted to be a mom and a business owner, and Daniel wanted a career. And TOGETHER their dreams evolved into dreaming of farming. How did you manage to fly across the world to conduct an interview and miss such monumental details? How did you manage to ask someone about their life and walk out with such misguided ideas of how they got where they are? Isn’t your literal job to figure out why people do what they do? Lazy bias journalism


As a so-called journalist, your job, your ONLY job is to report in a non-biased way. Just because you don’t understand, or don't agree with someone else's lifestyle choice does not in any way give you the right to speculate all sorts of hateful things about Hanna and her life choices. Are you inside her head? Do you understand her ? Her background growing up? Her highly-held values in life? The reasons she is willing to sacrifice for her children, her husband? No you don't. You can't even begin to comprehend it. And because you have zero understanding, you DENIGRATED them! And made all sorts of ASSUMPTIONS and speculated. This is NOT journalism.

I understand it and so do millions of other women who long for traditional values and would LOVE to have her life and lifestyle. You should be fired for your bias and your agenda. Journalism used to be, years ago really interesting stories about people and places and life reported for simply just what it was. Even reading about something I did not understand, I was fascinated by different cultures and various and different ways of living, much different to my own suburban upbringing.

Apparently in your youth and inexperience and 4th-wave indoctrination of feminist values, you somehow went to a Uni that truly does not understand what true journalism even is, and therefore, they cannot teach it. People do not want to be indoctinsted by angry, man-hating feminists.. Really, really sad.

You FAILED Hannah and her family miserably! She and Daniel TRUSTED you to be professional and report on their life in a fair and open-minded way. And you twisted her words, presumed to know how she feels and what she thinks.. Honestly, your piece made me sick and absolutely disgusted me.

Learn to be a true journalist please. You're a very good writer, but please report WITHOUT BIAS and you'll become great one day. You've got nothing to say personally that we want or need to hear.


If she has never had children and never been married, how would she understand what its like? Her article was clearly biased. Having more than 8 children was pretty common until recently.


Your bias is palpable. Sitting on your high horses speculating about if this woman’s lifestyle is undercutting your view of how the world should spin. Sad excuse for journalism


I’ve known Hannah since she was a little girl. I worked for her parents at the flower shop for 15 years. I quit only because I moved out of state but I still visit frequently. Hannah is like a little sister to me. She is an amazing woman and Daniel is a great guy.

Why write a judgmental article about her? If Hannah is happy, let her live her life without inputting your own opinions.


She's not a "trad wife" she's a self proclaimed business woman and co-owner of Ballerina farm. In all of her videos she talks about how her husband and her share tasks. They do not share these ideals with the audience in a forceful, preachy way. Why is she therefore a tradwife? Because she cooks and looks after her children? That would make everyone married a trad wife. Stop giving her this label it's misleading.


This “journalist” needs to be fired ASAP. No one will ever look at The Times as being anywhere near reputable after what was clearly a very biased hit piece.


They are tired and dont get time together.. yes indeed thats parenthood 😂 this journalist is unbelievable. Wanting to ask her if she evens likes her children? its actually possible to have a very happy fulfilling life as tired parents that dont get alot of time together. Its possible to be a tired parent and have more kids because of the love of parenthood. There are couples out there fighting every day despite abundant time together, its not just having an easy life that makes for a strong marraige and happiness. Certainly working hard leads to reward. And hannah never said anyone has to live the way they do so it baffles me that it triggers women who dont want to live that way. This journalist in particular projected so much inner fear and inferiority around hannahs life which is just insane because hannahs life isnt actually affecting anyone else in a negative way. Its up to us individually to have realistic expectations on ourselves and not blame others hard earned success for feeling less than (including through social media which this journalist herself is using for her own career and yet criticises hannah on).


Can you imagine having a job like this where you have no life except to be in other people's business? I never understood being a journalist. Just searching for stories. Don't you have your own life to worry about? I don't know about those people or care as it doesn't improve my life but you are just giving them a boost here. I saw this video.


Megan Agnew is a loser journalist who wrote a hit piece. To take one time the husband chimed in and extrapolate it to being an abusive unhappy marriage is the most unhinged thing ive ever heard. To be invited into their home and then do this insane article is the most scummy thing ive seen


The Times and Megan Agnew coming together to write a HIT PIECE on Hannah's life is beyond pathetic. Shoving 4th wave feminist garbage down our throats!


What kind of person asks a mother if she likes her children??? This is literally a miserable feminist annoyed by this woman's lifestyle. She didn't need to go to there to even right this story tbh


Asking a mother if she likes her kids is wild


This is weird! Ballerina Farm is up for debate? Surely if she’s happy with her 8 kids, what the fuss?


only thing she did was expose herself as an aging angry feminist. womp womp womp


Her hit peice was disgusting. She needs to apologize.


Yes yes I would love it to be like 1950s men took care of their families they weren’t a bunch of wimps.


This discussion can never have a real base as it’s a difference to live a trad wife’s life in silence, probably without a job and little condition or using trad wife’s life as content for your influencers life with the intention to earn lots of money.


They’re both farmers, this is so ridiculous, some “journalists” have way too much time on their hands 😂
