She Channeled Archangel Michael's Message to Humanity Before Passing | Steff Barton RIP

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Steffany Barton, an experienced channeler, shares insights from her final recorded session where she channels Archangel Michael. The discussion explores profound spiritual concepts such as the Great Awakening, the power of collective consciousness, and the process of channeling. Archangel Michael emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, grounding, and aligning with love and light, offering practical advice on connecting with nature, embracing creativity, and understanding the role of AI in the modern world. Steff was a very accomplished Medium and she touched countless lives

🟦 ABOUT ME Hello, Spiritual Explorers! I'm Laurie Majka, your guide to the universes hidden truths. Following a significant loss in 2012 that opened my communication with the Other Side, I’ve been on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe. My channel is YOUR gateway to exploring spiritual questions about our life's purpose, the nature of the afterlife, and the intricate web of Soul connections. I blend my personal experiences, enlightening interviews with individuals touched by NDE's & the mystical, and insights from spiritual 'downloads'. Together, we will explore the power of spiritual awakening, learn to reconnect with our passed away loved ones, and reduce the fear of death. Join me in this adventure to understand the unseen, connect with our profound and powerful inner selves, and embark on a transformative journey of the Soul! I don’t believe in accidents - I’m sooo glad you’re here!! xo Laurie

Copy right license from Bensound for Dreams by Benjamin Tissot Certificate # 2226330
Copy right license from Bendsound for Heart Space Anaamaly

#NearDeathExperience #NDE #neardeathexperiences
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She had thyroid disease and it affected her liver and kidneys- I don't think anyone expected her to die from it. I did this interview at the end of May and found out she died on June 28th before i edited it. She had scheduled a 3rd interview with me for Sept of 2024 where she wanted to channel and talk about Atlantis. I'm sad we didn't get to have that conversation. Here is our 1st INTERVIEW from March 2024-


I had the privilege of working with Steffany a few times, she is a tremendously gifted intuitive that very much touched my life and helped me through some difficult times. She will be missed - but she is also right here by my side.


The Collective Awakening has super accelerated since 2012 at least. Look at how many YouTube channels exist now for spiritual awakening! Such an honor to share this journey with you. God bless you all. ❤


When Steffany mentioned that many light workers would like to "escape their bodies", I totally related to this. Being a light worker, I struggle with my human vessel as my life on earth has gotten harder. I will finish my mission ! This is the first time I've experienced Steffany and am so sad that we lost her down here ! Do we know why she passed over, was she a sickly woman ? I feel so blessed to come across this today. God bless you Steffany, now in "full bloom" in the light !!! 🩷🪽☮️🙏


What a lovely message. Steffany seemed at peace during the interview. It is sad when a beautiful light like hers goes out but she has clearly accomplished her mission.


First time I was graced with Steff’s divine presence and this channel. What a powerful and palpable offering to us all. Your questions were exquisite and Steff’s ability to deliver Archangel Michael’s messages were so inspiring.

During the session, I paused and went for a walk. I had a rough night prior and needed to reground. As I was walking, I spoke to AM with and said if you hear me please send me a sign right now and not only 10 steps after, a shining dime was waiting for me!!! This is not only divine intervention but a sign from my parents who both passed away in October 2022 11 days apart.

I am very connected to Spirit and do a lot of my own channeling and mediumship work and needless to say I am always blown away at the miracles that unfold, staying in the awe and wonder always of it all.

I got especially emotional at the end when Steff shared her reflections of your work and to know she left you that personally (without knowing it would be her last final words to you) is so beautiful. I feel she is now one of your own personal guardian angels and I feel you will be receiving a lot of your own transmissions direct through her and Archangel Michael.

Thank you for your service and love ❤


end where Archangel Michael confirms how we know he is with us...I had full chills even to the top of my head and tears flowing. He has been with me my whole life. 💜 gratitude for this gift.


RIP Stef! ❤ what a beautiful light to hear, she was definitely touched by an angel. Beautiful presence and vibration in her voice. So blessed to have heard her messages for all of us. May the angels protect her in the higher realms and allow her messages to flow to this denser reality and lighten the frequency here on this incredibly dense place. ❤❤❤


Wow. She did not have one misspoken word. No human could do that!


RIPSteffBarton Channeler, Awakened, Spirit, Soul, Angel within ... Here Always and The Other side of the Veil as Well LOVE, LIGHT, JOY, PEACE, PRESENCE to ALL THAT IS C of Colorado Springs, Colorado May ALL of Yours Be in Rest an PEACE


This was such a beautiful channeling. Archangel Micheal I ask feel that Steffany has joined you in the Light. Thank you Steffany for guiding us whilst here on Earth, 🙏🏽🥰💖✨💖✨💖💐💐💐


Laurie, she is so amazing... an angel ready to fly home. What a blessing to hear her. Dear sister, keep going, more than ever we need your shows. <3


Right before LAURIE asked about a sign of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL...I GOT CHILLS IN MY LEGS🎉❤❤💫🌞💥🤩🫶🏻🤎🌎🌹


❤ an angel completed her journey here on earth and left us with a beautiful blessed gift from Arkangle Micheal. Thank you for sharing what you felt was important no matter how you must of been feeling. You are blessed. ❤




This is the first time I watch your channel and know Steffany. And I read your comment that she passed away (RIP)😢. When I watched until the end of the interview I feel touch in my heart. The words of Archangel Michel are so simple but very powerful for me. And absolutely your questions are very good and Steffany is very nice. I have watched it 3 times and I have saved it in my playlist in order to watch it again and again. I think that maybe she would call me to see this Video. Thank you very much everyone. ❤❤
Sorry, my english is not well but I need to comment under this video indeed. 😊😊


I am so moved. What a blessing she must have been to her congregation. So much light. 🌠


God bless her soul... listening to her, I received such beautiful enlightening feeling...The anger that I was feeling for a while, triggered by unpleasant replaced with compassion, understanding, and empathy experienced forgiveness and increased love for myself! I am grateful for this...Thank you🙏🙏


This was amazing. I felt it when Archangel Michael said we could feel him, we weren't alone, and I got an amazing feeling & angel bumps . Much love to my lightworker sisters & brothers ❤️


What a beautiful gift to world she was. A bright light ❤
