👉The Easiest Way To Filter Data By Multiple Colors In Google Sheets

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Discover how to Filter Data by Multiple Colors simultaneously using Google Sheets. Google Sheets' default built-in filter feature only allows selecting one color at a time. There are no options for showing both or all colored cells! In this video, I'll show you how to work around this limitation by creating a custom function using a Google App script to get hex code for the color.

How to filter by background colors AT ONCE!

00:00 Introduction
00:24 Problem Definition
00:41 Step 1: Creating Apps Script
03:02 Step 2: The New Filter Function

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LINK to more Spreadsheets Savvy Shorts Videos| google sheets tips and tricks 2023
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Paste the following code inside a script file and save it! This creates a function 'getcolor( )' within your spreadsheet, which takes in a cell address and returns the hex code of the color of the cell.
From here, you can proceed to filter the cells by color denoted by hex code!

function GetColor(input) {
var myFormula =
var myAddress = myFormula.replace(/.*GetColor\(/gi, '').replace(/\).*/gi, '');
var myRange =
return myRange.getBackgrounds();
