Hat's Take on Smite 2!

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0:00 - Smite 2 Announced
0:32 - Smite 1 on UE3
2:34 - Skins??
5:23 - Why not just port skins over?
6:35 - Better Game
8:12 - Keep an open mind

#smite #duel #hatmaster

Smite is a free-to-play, third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One
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Attack speed Khepri is gonna be huge in Smite 2


I’m so happy you (and other major creators) are positive about all of this. I have no issues with it at all and I’m glad the community leaders are supportive of it


What im especially proud of them is that they seem to actually be using good development practices this time around. Like, we know that they have at least made it so gods are developed in modules that can easily be swapped out too. We could potentially have an MOTD where each god has a random selection of abilities, during prealpha shoecase this was shown with ymir having anhur ult. god and item stats will be defined in simple json files, so it will no longer be such a hassle to change stats over like a dozen separate places. Stuff like that. So we can expect a lot better and higher quality updates in the years to come


Every time I tried to get someone into Smite I was apalled by how terrible it was for a new player. They really need to nail the new player experience and the tutorials in Smite 2. Keeping new players is going to be extremely important.


I remember when Smite came to ps4, I was 19 at the time, had a late finish with Highschool, mostly stuff involving algebra not clicking with me. But as a graduation gift, I was given a PS4, and it was one of the first tests I had was for the PS4 version of Smite, and Amaterasu was the new goddess at the time.

I wouldn't say "Time flies", despite the joy I have in my life, it truly doesn't for me. But I remember playing at 30, and then 60FPS.
And just putting a few dollars in it here and there. The game was fun. I remember the "Dirty Bubble" for Artemis and when they removed the items for it.

I remember when Morrigan literally crashed the game lmao. She became my favorite mage to play and Artio my favorite guard. But Cthulu was a close second years later. Nu Wa was also really fun, Ullr.

And I remember when everyone was afraid of Loki. Even though he was... quite easy to counter. Yet I seem to play him really when when I use him. Rather, when I still played.

I think the last time I was active, active, was Season 7? I have not really bothered with the game when I got the PS5 as a gift from a special somebody. Because the glitches were still apparent. The software showed it age in the worst way. Textures were not loading. And they kept adding characters, but the quality of the engine kept feeling less optimized. And some Kits... felt like "Here is another Blaster type character we already have a lot of." So kits felt a bit less creative... and I get it? There is 100+ characters. There is bound to be SOME overlap. Some older kits felt left behind due to. "Anything you can do, I can do better!" with some kits. It just happens.

The biggest factor that prevented me from returning to Smite, was the fact I cannot transfer my content to the PC version. Because Sony is a terrible company, with a lot of mediocre practices. The computer I have, that is about the same price, outperforms it and has so many better options. Way more RAM. And so on. "No, your content is in the hand of Daddy Sony."
"Yeah, no. They can fucking keep it if this is how they are going to treat their customers."

I'm sure this new version will do a lot of things that might frustrate us initially. But still will turn out to be a better game. Like, Anhur looks great. He looks so fluffy, and the way he animates so well. Everything just looks great here.


I was a lil iffy about my precious skins at first but I understand it all and am still excited for it. All new battles and stuff to be had, so much fun is coming ❤


Thank you for this to be honest, I was so excited when the announcement dropped and was heartbroken when the majority of posts online was complaining about the skins. I understand *why* people had an issue but it just isn't feasible to transfer all the skins over, make entirely new content AND port over a god every week then two weeks. I hate how everyone keeps comparing it to OW when OW had the main draw being the campaign mode (which then resulted in OW1 getting no content for 3 years and the story mode being stripped dramatically 1 and 1/2 years into production).

The main focus here is the new engine. The game looks beautiful and aside from some very, very minor gripes (the god portraits look a bit weird) I'm so hyped for this new stage of Smite.


I’m so so so excited! I can’t wait. The rate of 1 god per week is CRAZYYYY fast. And the skin system (imo) is pretty generous. So hyped for the future of smite

Fingers crossed they slowly roll out the tier 5s a couple months into the game.


Return of HAT!

Also, good insight. Big fan of Smite 2 personally.


I'm gonna be real, Smite in 2011 looked so much cooler than modern Smite. It has a unique art style similar to Eastern Plaguelands in WoW, not it just looks like fuckin' Fortnite .

I think anyone who REALLY thinks Hi Rez don't plan on eventually shutting down Smite 1 are naive. The second it's financially safe to do so, they'll shut off the servers and soft-force everyone over to Smite, even if it's several years from now. My prediction is that shortly after the FULL launch of Smite, they'll announce the FINAL god for Smite 1 and announce they will no longer be putting any major updates in it. The game will stick around for about 3/4 more years, but they'll have nearly every employee on Smite 2, which will be a much more popular game once everyone realises how much better it is without all the horrible gods we've hated over the years. Faster God releases, no more jank, better item system, etc. Smite 2 will be a massive success.


I am not a compettuve player and just now got back into smite but I am glad they keeping the appeal of having all these different myths and legends and I can't to see the new comers and new trailers


they are also getting rid of the voice packs, so all gods just have their own voices by default now, which is even more free value


I called this a year ago. We have needed this for a while


It’s gonna be so easy to hire people for UE5 compared to UE3


Def will miss them skins... But a new smite in ue5 has infinite potential ! Also i believe they are making the upgrade in the best possible way ! Can't wait for all the new cheese builds and qol changes... The ymir idea looks epic and revisiting old gods seems like a good idea... But it's scary lol. Maybe even playing more than 3 games of ranked per season idk.


Hell yeah, im hyped ! And looking forward to the guardian gauntlet ❤


I’m here for it hat! As much or as little as you want to upload, I want to watch


If Riot announced they were making LoL 2 on a new engine and none of the old skins would carry over and not every champ would be available on launch there would be shit hitting the fan which then bursts into flames. Riot wouldn't ever think of releasing something that wouldn't carry over everything they previously had.

That being said, Riot have probably 100x the resources needed over Titanforge to make that a reality. Initially i was really negative about the skins not being moved over but after looking at it more and seeing their divine legacy skins its sort of gone away. Based off the most recent info i saw stating they would release the most popular skin for each God into Smite 2 and unlockable with legacy gems then I think thats pretty fair. We have a lot of recolour and just pretty subpar skins that make up the 1600 skins in the game that dont need to be carried over.

It does suck that no T5 is carried over, feel that's a big loss as it would look even better on UE5. The only current weird thing to me is how Smite 2 looks. Maybe its because of how used I am to how Smite currently looks from the past 10 years but Smite 2 looks like one of those Mobile game ads i see randomly but I probably just need to try it myself to get more accustomed to it.

I just hope that Smite 2 is able to bring in lots of new players to keep it running as Smite 1 wont last for much longer after its released. I also dont want it to fumble like OW2 and CS2 did


As long as they allow me to get my hands on Uncle Iroh bacchus


Good thing I’ll have to give Hi-Rez more money for the money I’ve already spent if I want cosmetics I’ve already paid for.
