Here’s some additional background information if you’re interested in learning more!:
- Caril Ann Fugate, Starkweather's 14-year-old girlfriend, was a controversial figure in the spree. While Starkweather claimed she was a willing participant, Fugate insisted she was held hostage and acted under duress. The debate over her involvement remains unresolved, but it is clear she was present during many of the murders, including the killing of her own family members. For her involvement, Fugate served 18 years in prison, then was paroled in 1976.
- A high-school friend of Starkweather described his character as follows: “He could be the kindest person you've ever seen. He'd do anything for you if he liked you. He was a hell of a lot of fun to be around, too. Everything was just one big joke to him. But he had this other side. He could be mean as hell, cruel. If he saw some poor guy on the street who was bigger than he was, better looking, or better dressed, he'd try to take the poor bastard down to his size.”
- Starkweather’s execution was carried out on June 25th, 1959 - about 17 months after his killing spree, and marked the final execution in Nebraska until 1994. When asked about his girlfriend’s culpability, Starkweather stated: "She should be sitting on my lap [in the electric chair]."
Also, I am currently working on uploading all the recipes for these meals to my Pepper account (linked in bio) if you are interested in making them yourself! 🫶
No way he wasn’t insane with a last meal like that
Dying to a shotgun all because of refusing service is so sad. May the store clerk rest in peace 🕊️
Dying over a stuffed animal is so sad💔💔
At least Stanley got one more pretzel day
Fun Fact: The Starkweather-Fugate case ended up being the inspiration for the hit films Badlands and Natural Born Killers.
Hi! Local historian and social scientist from Omaha. The Starkweather killings are one of the most infamous in Nebraska (the others include John Joubert and Brandon Teena)
Thanks for covering it! You should do John Joubert too!
Carol Ann Fugate (the girlfriend) wasn’t an innocent victim. In fact it’s believed she was the one who killed her kid sister. She was paroled in 1976 I believe.
18 year old Starksell and his 14 year old girlfriend…. That was your first warning.
Edit: to clarify because it seems some people don’t get the issue here. The age difference is not the issue but the difference in maturity and places of life is. A mature adult of either sex should not be pursuing a relationship with a young impressionable child still experiencing puberty. There is no way for that to be an equal partnership unless you have a very mature child and/or a very immature adult. The adult would always have a level of authority and power over the child that should not exist and it’s why it’s illegal now. Him pursuing a relationship with a child shows both that he has a disregard for the law and also the afore mentioned immaturity on a mental and/or emotional level. Those would be key signs in identifying a person prone to law breaking and disregard for others. That’s what makes it a warning sign.
Interesting fact about Starkweather he was said to be obssed with actor James Dean so if anyone was wondering why he was wearing that type of clothing
That "pair of teenagers" looked like they were in their 40s
I'm sorry but "a pair of teenagers"look like divorced 40 year olds
“18 year old Starkweather and his 14 year old gf” broo💀
Nobody gonna talk about Stanley being in the intro with pretzels?
Is no one going to talk about the poor 2 year old girl? She could still be alive now. Tragic.
If you like movies, the Starkweather case inspired the film “Natural Born Killers”…which itself has been blamed for inspiring several crime sprees and murders.
Fun fact! This whole case is mentioned in the Billy Joel song, "we didn't start the fire" under the line "starkweather homicide."
Dudes villain arc was being denied a stuffed animal 😂
these murders are mentioned in Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire”.
This was posted on my birthday and I couldn't be any happier that it was. Learning about these is a guilty pleasure.
I figured Stanley would snap one day. Not like there werent signs