Can my Magic 8 Ball make a Video Game?

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Can I make a video game by doing exactly what my magic 8 ball tells me to do? The rules to this challenge are simple, I am going to come up with an idea for a video game, and while making it my magic 8 ball must agree with everything I add in. Oh yeah, and I only have 6 hours to do it!

The way I did this game development challenge, was coming up with an idea for a video game and then making it. As I am developing the game, I have to make sure the magic 8 ball agrees with everything I do. Magic 8 balls for the most part just give yes or no answers, so it can't come up with an idea by itself, just tell me if mine is ok to add or not.

I chose to make a 2D rhythm game, and the 8 ball agreed. I used the Unity Game Engine in this video to make the game in. I also used Asperite to make the artwork, and reaper to get the drum beats. This challenge was kinda like a game jam where you have a certain amount of time to make a game. It was a lot of fun!

Discord: Will Hess(hashtag)9883

If you have any questions feel free to reach out over social media!
Рекомендации по теме

Pretty cool game idea, I would enjoy a part two seeing what you add/change next :)


first comment!
edit : Will Hess I like ur videos and ideas keep up the great stuff bro!


Great video but why do you have a magic 8 ball in your house
