Imagine they asked for his name the first time Lukey-Dukey
Imagine they asked for his name the first time
Um... You sure that's the same guy? MyCatInABox
Um... You sure that's the same guy?
When I read it I thought the last name was Rodrigo lol idk why or how Queen
When I read it I thought the last name was Rodrigo lol idk why or how
Hey this is my mom's account but I have the same last name also it's pronounced ROD re guez LOCALCOSTCOATISLE
Hey this is my mom's account but I have the same last name also it's pronounced ROD re guez
Thanks cool but why did u use a picture of a kid that looks like ihop sponsors his emo band Organic.smiles
Thanks cool but why did u use a picture of a kid that looks like ihop sponsors his emo band
That awesome can u pin my comment maybe 🤔 sirmonkey
That awesome can u pin my comment maybe 🤔
Can i get pinned cause ive never got pinned in the comments artkirby
Can i get pinned cause ive never got pinned in the comments