Farrister’s Fleet & Why I Bought Ships (2023 Update) | Star Citizen 3.21 4K

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Showing gameplay and cinematic footage from various Star Citizen patches, in this video I talk about the ships that form part of my “fleet” (as much as I hate the term) as of 2023, and why I chose them.
#StarCitizen #4K

00:00 Introduction
01:31 Clarifications
02:03 Thought Process
03:07 Solo Ships
06:13 Either-Way Ships
08:41 Multi-Crew Ships
10:18 Extras and Goodies
11:02 Summary

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This year is my first year on Star Citizen expect for one free fly weekend in like 2020, and I've already bought 4 ships and plan to buy more. Currently I have the Galaxy w/ Cargo Module, Zeus Mk. 2 MR, Syulen, Cutter Rambler. All of my ships have LTI and spent a grand total of $800+. Not ashamed to say I've spent that much either. This is a game I've had my eye on for a very long time, and now is the perfect time to be playing it.


“I think this ship looks great “ lol starting with one two ships that fit “ you “ is such a cozy but neurotic experience


I like how every SC player has their own reason for their specific fleet. Thats what I love about SC.
My fleet is focused on checking all combat roles while having almost all ships with long range capabilities. I also own some ships for unique gameplay loops.
- Raven (stealth combat support, scouting)
- Fury (snub combat)
- Archimedes Emerald (racing)
- Merlin (racing)
- Gladius (light dogfighter)
- Defender (only long range light to medium dogfighter in SC)
- Vanguard Sentinel (hacking, medium combat)
- Andromeda (heavy combat, piracy)
- Retaliator bomber (sub-capital to capital combat)
- Zeus Bounty Hunter (bounty hunting and piracy)
- 600i Explorer (smallest explorer with med bay)
- MSR (data running, smuggling)

I never thought about big multi crew ships since I want to have ingame goals. But I have the Endeavor master set in buyback just in case. Also heavy industrial gameplay loops are not for me but i can see why lots of people like that.


Fantastic! My current fleet consists of:

F8C lightning
Anvil Arrow
Constellation Taurus

I hope to one day serve as a fighter escort for your Javelin! Cheers


Great to see another Crusader Industries fan like myself.


Imho, it is to soon for me to talk about personal fleet. My current goal of High Admiral has been reached, and what I keep as my daily flyers, are ships that I really like currently, and that sit somewhere in my ccu chains.
What I like to have in my current hangar is; One solo ship with 1 or 2 big guns(Currently a Scythe). One ship that can carry at least a cyclone(I think that's a C1 now, though often changing) . One racing ship (currently Fury LX) and Syulen because it looks amazing and is fun to fly.

Ships I really like to own in the future but not must haves are: Pioneer, Nautilus, Endeavor and Polaris. I'll prob own a Nautilus one day, and I'd love for my other large ship to be Endeavor, since there should no lack of Pioneer and Capital size combat ships in the verse.


I like this video format, cant be dont to often ofc but i like it as i see how people figgure out their own fleet just like i do.

Maybe you could take guests and discuss fleet setups as you already shown yours.


My fleet recently shifted and I reduced the size of my ships.

My flag, the MSR went into a Harbinger (tho seemingly my name reservation remains :D) as it fits more my solo run around do missions of mixed kinds more. Has heavy armor and armament and still can be my home away from home.

My Vulture went back to being a Prospector as I really enjoy the solo and silent nature of the Aaron ring mining. Sitting out there with nobody to bother me. My others are a MAX for transporting goods and mined/refined goods, or vehicles when I feel like it. And the lovely Herald as my data runner sneaky stay off the radar ship for when Pyro hits. (And a pulse bike... :3)


I collected all the resource gathering and logistics service ships for this game. They will all be put into my main orgs user pool for other trusted player to captain when they need their capital ships serviced or a new base built. I plan on living out of just one of my ships, a Constellation Aquila for the short term and the Carrack as the game matures with NPC crews/ship operations blades for the ships computer. I plan on playing ship engineer or damage controller on someone else's capital during military ops.


I started playing Star Citizen a month ago and I'm already hooked up to it. Loving it. That's why, you sir, have become one of my favourite channels. These type of videos you make are extremely useful. I ended up here looking for ship reviews and stuff related to Star Citizen; really like how you edit your videos, their content and your speech pace, which makes you very enjoyable to watch when you're chilling at home.

I always come to your channel before I purchase any ship, to check your review and, should you convince me, eventually buy them. So thanks for your time and effort you put in your channel! You got another faithful subscriber here. ;)

P.S.: I really loved the C1 Spirit, .It's definitely on my list to buy. The moment I saw her I felt in love, as it reminds me a lot to the SSV Normandy SR-2 from Mass Effect; at least, its style.


I think I'll get an expanse too, but I usually wait until it's out or maybe a month before its release because I don't like the wait of concept ships.


Mine's the SRV, A1, Ares Ion, 600i, Reclaimer, Arrastra and Banu Merchantman


I don’t know why You Tube creators when chatting about this game fail to express that there is NO big corporation of game house behind RSI. Without support from the audience buying ships we wouldn’t get this game. No EA or Bethesda or whoever is going to support the creation of a game like this. Not only is it too long term for them, and doesn’t help their bottom line quick enough, it’s too complicated. The want to add new maps to old COD and tell you that’s what you want. So if no one bought ships, this game doesn’t exist….

And to further express the chinceyness of those who say never use real money….. the amount of money they’ve raised at this point is almost enough to film the 2 Avengers Endgame movies. It actually isn’t much for entertainment these days. On average currently it’s just over 100 bucks per supporter. COD players spend more for one COD and the add ones for it…..then they buy another every year. Sometimes 2…. Everyone needs to stop being cheap, support the game if you want great entertainment.

Also, the Farister makes great vids. Keep ‘em coming man!!


That jav needs appropriate enemies, here's hoping the AI/meshing allows pirate gangs to operate on scale and in a hierarchical way.


That's a great looking fleet. I look forward to your reviews of the yet to be released ships!


The quality of your elocution is outstanding on youtube. In English, your videos are the only one for which i don't need subtitles (I am French). They are a proof that the English language can be beautiful when spoken properly, you could be an amazing audiobook reader. :) Great fleet though !


you make some good points . I upgraded my Expanse and Prospector for the Arrastra ( mole and prospector loaners ) as it can do both in one ship how easy or if at all possible to run solo only time will tell for me and my thoughts are like the Liberator ( to move ships around when we cant just claim them ) the Perseus ( Just because it looks so good ) when you take that Javelin out I could run a escort with the gun ship lol


I have my starter ship, an Avenger Titan and I have my 'Millennium Falcon' ... a Freelancer MIS.
Any multicrew play is aboard someone else's ship.
People who own larger ships are always looking for crew, so why wouldn't I?
90% of my gameplay is solo and if I want to solo salvage, (for example) it only takes a few bunkers to earn enough to buy a Vulture in game.
Keeping it simple and being someone else's crew is the best option for me.


Focusing on my play style as it is, I have a C8R for Bunkers, surface bounties as it is fast easy, bonuses and enough storage for looted items during a game session. The C1 for light cargo and small vehical transport, and a CCU running to allow me to reach a heavy fighter over time testing out combate loops as I progress. And if I prefer a lighter ship in the end I will melt it and use that for a combat ship that I feel fits with my gaming focus.


I plan to fly my Vulture around on my Liberator. This setup should allow me to comfortably fill the painful gap between the Vulture and Reclaimer for 1+ person operations, far extending the capacity and range of the salvage operation without having to contend with the "design" of the overgrown garbage bug.

I don't think hunting bounties for salvage will work with this method, so I'm still figuring the offensive/defensive part out. Until then, this is a passive strategy.
