Traffic Tips for Xisuma's Traffic Ridden City in Cities Skylines!

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Xisuma sent me his city, let's turn off Despawning & have some fun!😀

➤Twitter: @biffa2001

All music used is from the new On Air Radio and Calm The Mind Radio Packs.

Enjoy my Cities Skylines Gameplay. Putting my town planning to the test and fixing up your cities problems and building a brand new city. Learn how to start your new city and what mods I find are the best to get started with. Enjoy :-)

- Cities Skylines - New Tealand (Modded)

- Cities Skylines - Vanilla/Hard Mod/No Mods/Snow City

- Cities Skylines - Teaport City Build

- Cities Skylines - TeaVille City Build

- Cities Skylines - FIX YOUR CITY

- Cities Skyline Natural Disaster Comedy Short

✈Cities Skylines - Airports DLC:

#citiesskylines #biffaplays #cityfix
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Thanks for fixing my traffic Biffa :-D cant wait to learn from the best!


Oh, man! Another city fix! I remember subscribing in 2019 for this type of content and now it makes me feel nostalgic!


The ability to adjust intersections (dedicated turning lanes, yield, lane selector) would be such a huge boost to the Vanilla Game. That should be their next update.


Can't help myself but for me Biffa is just THE most likeable, non-toxic, enjoyable and kind content creator I have ever watched. Love your conten, keep up the great work! Hopefully you'll recover asap from covid.


Biffa: "I want to encourage walking as much as possible"
Also Biffa: switching out the traffic lights for give-way signs making all the cars drive right at the pedestrians


Delighted to see a new traffic fix! It has been quite sometime since you posted one of these. I always find them informative and entertaining. Sorry to hear that you have been ill with a cold and Covid. May you recover to full strength quickly. 💗


Here's a few pointers on *public transit design* that can really help in a large city:

1) While Cims definitely _can_ walk quite a long distance, they don't actually _like it._ In fact, *the further they have to walk to the public transit station, the less they'll be willing to switch between lines afterwards.* This also includes any walking distance between stations, and from the last station to their final destination. This effect is more pronounced with elderly Cims, less so with the young. Cims calculate the entire journey in advance, including how far they'll have to walk in total and how many times they'll need to switch lines. The final decision also fluctuates with many other factors (cost, duration, and even a random factor); so if the decision is only "borderline" worthwhile, the same Cim might be willing to make the public transit trip one day but take their car another day. The Cims you see at the station are just the ones who've decided that the _whole trip_ is "worth it" that day, while any Cim who "disliked" the route will just take a car that day - you'll never know if they even considered walking. Furthermore, even the ones who choose public might use their "pocket car" to get from the final station to their destination, which is obviously sub-optimal.

2) Point #1 is what buses are there to solve, by going around a district and collecting passengers closer to their origin point, then dumping them off at a mass transit hub. For example, that yellow line running around the edge of the "entertainment island" is actually *the perfect way to use a local bus line, * both in-game and in real life: collecting passengers to the metro station Biffa added at the other end of the island. (In real life you'd be able to ride the bus and metro on a single ticket, making the bus effectively "free", encouraging even more people in the area to use that metro station.)

3) *Try to limit or eliminate all bus lines crossing between two different districts.* This is because connections between adjacent districts (and certainly non-adjacent ones!) are almost always your primary bottlenecks, which the buses could easily exacerbate. And the more buses you push into the line to meet demand, the worse it gets!
3a) If you absolutely want to use (large!!) buses for this, the road piece connecting between the districts _must_ have a dedicated bus lane *in addition* to however many lanes you need for all other traffic to flow smoothly. With particularly busy districts (assuming you have the space), extend the bus lanes a short distance into the district itself to give the buses some room to disperse among the inner streets before they have to merge with the other vehicles. That also gives you room to comfortably place the first stations inside the district. Unless you're using very small districts in your city, it is rarely a good idea to connect more than two districts with a single bus line, since the buses will quickly start to bunch up.
3b) Trams are often best for connecting neighbouring districts. However it's almost always wise to separate the trams _completely_ from the main traffic before they cross from one district to the next, because trams can put a LOT of pressure on your bottlenecks. Divert the trams away from traffic before they reach the edge of the district, and then build a dedicated two-way tram-only crossover street just for them (TMPE allows you to still let emergency/trash/etc drive on that road, which is a nice bonus). Then reconnect the dedicated tram track back into the road network on the other side. The tram crossover road should both start and end some distance away from any heavy traffic, which gives the trams ample space to split away and merge back at their own pace as they leave and enter each district. If you do this right, you can run the trams through three or even four adjacent districts with minimal impact on traffic.
3c) If neither of the above is an option, connect the districts with a metro.

4) For the most part, *each district needs only one metro station per metro line.* Use buses or trams to move passengers around the district, to and from the metro station (see point #2). If the metro station gets overwhelmed with passengers, _resist the urge_ to fill the line with metro trains; Instead, build a completely new metro line intersecting with the original line, _going in a different direction to a different destination._ Have the two lines stop at _separate stations_ near that intersection point (never at the same station, if you can help it). If you have three or four metro lines going through a district and the stations are _still_ overwhelmed, consider replacing the busiest line with a *passenger train.*

5) In C:S *it's usually best to have your metros bring passengers from the edges of the city to the center and vice versa, * rather than crossing the entire map (in real life it's... different). At the city center, keep any metro intersections as far apart from each other as you can - never more than two lines meeting at the same place. Once you've done that, make a circle line (with CW and CCW trains) running around the center, _stopping at each metro intersection you have._ If you do it right, the circle line doesn't need its own dedicated stations; It can stop at existing stations. The resulting network should look a bit like a spiderweb. This design is based on of one of the most efficient metro systems in the world - the Moscow Metro.

6) As your city grows beyond 80k or so, *begin identifying multiple "city centers".* Metro lines should only run from each district to the _closest_ city center, not to every city center on the map. Do not connect city centers to each other with metros - connect them with one or more passenger trains. Once the train stations at the center start getting overloaded, your next step should be to build a single train line running a loop between them. Finally, build a train running around the outer edge of the whole city to connect the outer district together in a loop.

Hope this helps y'all. I've managed to run cities of 150k+ pretty well with these points in mind. Drop a like and/or comment if this worked for you!


I've been thinking about submitting my city one of these days. 580k population, 54% traffic flow on easy mode, and a show stopping 13-14% traffic flow with despawning turned off.


13:14 Biffa no! :D
What are you doing?! They shouldn't turn left there! If they wanted to go that way, they could've just stayed on the previous road!


Found your channel 4 days ago, found Cities Skylines through you... bought it today and I am absolutely addicted. I can't wait to start creating brilliant cities. Just learning the game for the moment. Love your videos dude. You're a great help when it comes to learning how to play this frankly confusing game lol.


One quick thing I recently learned about the double decker bus is that it's verrry SLOW. If you're trying to fix traffic problems, the airport double decker is a better choice because it won't hold up traffic as much. Stacks of cars constantly build up behind the "London Style" double decker.


Love to see you and xisuma still collabing. Have you guys ever talked about a vid together?


So glad this collab happend! I was hoping X would send his city to Biffa when I first saw the live stream, given I've been mostly watching Biffa play Cities Skyline in the Hermitcraft break XD


Love watching Biffa building his city, still my all time favorite series are the traffic fix


Hoping for more city fixes as they're really enjoyable to watch along and learn for my city.


I feel like I'm listening to real traffic news when biffa fixes people's cities. I really enjoy when he fixes cities and just watching all the traffic


I remember X streamng C:S a few years ago. Biffa dropped in and was giving tips to him. That's actually how I got to know this game and I have almost 500 hours game time since then


With six lanes into six lanes at a crossroads and dedicated turning lanes, you have ONE lane into three. This reduces the saturation flow out of the road. If you allow straight on and right turners to share a lane then you double the amount of straight on traffic that can leave the link for the cost of a bit of road paint.


omg I've so missed the 'fix your city' series

Thank you so much Biffa, for all the nostalgia❤


HA! One of my favorite maps again... "Honu Island". This is gonna be fun to watch!
Glad you're doing "fix your cities" again, that's originally what got me into your channel.
