Location of Paul North (Brawl'gar Arena Quartermaster) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft Retail

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Location of Paul North (Brawl'gar Arena Quartermaster) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
🛡️ Only the true heroes of Azeroth will have this! Hurry to the link before it’s gone!
Play the video to learn how to locate the Paul North (Brawl'gar Arena Quartermaster) on WOW World of Warcraft Retail.
To locate the Paul North (Brawl'gar Arena Quartermaster), at Orgrimmar, go to 49.26, 22.58.
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Some important items that this NPC trades:
- Brawler's Razor Claws
- Pugilist's Powerful Punching Ring
- Brawler's Coastal Healing Potion
- Brawler's Battle Potion of Strength
- Brawler's Battle Potion of Agility
- Brawler's Battle Potion of Intellect
- Gemcutter Module: Mastery
- Wraps of the Blood-Soaked Brawler
- Wraps of the Blood-Soaked Brawler
- Wraps of the Blood-Soaked Brawler
- Clock'em
- Floot-Tooter's Tunic
- Gorgeous Blouse
- The Boomshirt
- Undisputed Champion's Shirt
- Sharkskin Tunic
- Ooze-Soaked Shirt
- Brucehide Jersey
- Tuxedo-Like Shirt
- Paper Shirt
- Last Season's Shirt
- Digmaster's Bodysleeve
- Sightless Mantle
- Tylarr Gronnden
- Brawler's Guild Tabard
- Ensemble: Brawler's Garb
01: Not the Only One - Rondo Brothers
You can also find this npc in other languages, like:
German: Paul Norden (Rüstmeister der Shlae'gararena) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
English: Paul North (Brawl'gar Arena Quartermaster) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
Spanish: Paul North (Intendente de la Arena Liza'gar) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
French: Paul Nord (Intendant de l’arène de Castagn’ar) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
Italian: Paul Nurt (Quartiermastro dell'Arena dei Combattenti) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
Russian: Пол Норт (Интендант арены "Морд'Бой") | Оргриммар | WOW World of Warcraft
Korean: 폴 노스 (싸울가르 투기장 병참장교) | 오그리마 | WOW World of Warcraft
Chinese: 保尔·诺斯 (搏击竞技场军需官) | 奥格瑞玛 | WOW World of Warcraft
#wowclassicfilms #wownpc #wow #worldofwarcraft #kalimdor #orgrimmar #paulnorth #brawlgararenaquartermaster #brawlgararenaquartermasterorgrimmar
🛡️ Only the true heroes of Azeroth will have this! Hurry to the link before it’s gone!
Play the video to learn how to locate the Paul North (Brawl'gar Arena Quartermaster) on WOW World of Warcraft Retail.
To locate the Paul North (Brawl'gar Arena Quartermaster), at Orgrimmar, go to 49.26, 22.58.
✅ Subscribe the channel Wow Classic Films, like the video and comment ✅
Some important items that this NPC trades:
- Brawler's Razor Claws
- Pugilist's Powerful Punching Ring
- Brawler's Coastal Healing Potion
- Brawler's Battle Potion of Strength
- Brawler's Battle Potion of Agility
- Brawler's Battle Potion of Intellect
- Gemcutter Module: Mastery
- Wraps of the Blood-Soaked Brawler
- Wraps of the Blood-Soaked Brawler
- Wraps of the Blood-Soaked Brawler
- Clock'em
- Floot-Tooter's Tunic
- Gorgeous Blouse
- The Boomshirt
- Undisputed Champion's Shirt
- Sharkskin Tunic
- Ooze-Soaked Shirt
- Brucehide Jersey
- Tuxedo-Like Shirt
- Paper Shirt
- Last Season's Shirt
- Digmaster's Bodysleeve
- Sightless Mantle
- Tylarr Gronnden
- Brawler's Guild Tabard
- Ensemble: Brawler's Garb
01: Not the Only One - Rondo Brothers
You can also find this npc in other languages, like:
German: Paul Norden (Rüstmeister der Shlae'gararena) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
English: Paul North (Brawl'gar Arena Quartermaster) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
Spanish: Paul North (Intendente de la Arena Liza'gar) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
French: Paul Nord (Intendant de l’arène de Castagn’ar) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
Italian: Paul Nurt (Quartiermastro dell'Arena dei Combattenti) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
Russian: Пол Норт (Интендант арены "Морд'Бой") | Оргриммар | WOW World of Warcraft
Korean: 폴 노스 (싸울가르 투기장 병참장교) | 오그리마 | WOW World of Warcraft
Chinese: 保尔·诺斯 (搏击竞技场军需官) | 奥格瑞玛 | WOW World of Warcraft
#wowclassicfilms #wownpc #wow #worldofwarcraft #kalimdor #orgrimmar #paulnorth #brawlgararenaquartermaster #brawlgararenaquartermasterorgrimmar