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Sorry about the toothpaste you guys. The video sound stopped recording while I was talking about the toothpaste and I was not able to retrieve the lost footage BUT I wanted to ask you guys if the toothpaste was really created by a German? Most websites were 50/50, a lot of websites claimed the USA was the first location to create a metal tube based toothpaste while others claimed it was a European feat (mostly between Germany and France). Let me know in the comment section what you think/know about the toothpaste debate!

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Sorry about the toothpaste you guys. The video sound stopped recording while I was talking about the toothpaste and I was not able to retrieve the lost footage BUT I wanted to ask you guys if the toothpaste was really created by a German? Most information regarding the history of toothpaste was all over the place😬 PLUS- what actually counts as toothpaste? Would it be the creme that we know today or would it be the powder, liquid, concoctions that people made many centuries/decades ago?

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Capri Sun was actually called Capri Sonne in Germany for as long as it existed. Only some time ago they changed the name in Germany to Capri Sun, too. Many people didn't like the change, tho


Old fashion pregnansy test. Pee on a stick - wait 9 months for the result. If a baby pops out, you were pregnant.


As saxon I feel I have to mention: mouthwater (Odol 1892), toothpaste (1907), 1st daily newspaper (1650), bra (1899), teabag (1929) and most important of all filter coffee (Melitta Bentz 1908).


It is worth mentioning that Wilhelm Röntgen never wanted to profit from his invention and never patented it. Instead, he gave it as a gift to humanity.


Teddybear was invented in Germany. The Wiki entry for Steiff is very detailed how it happend. They showed it on the industry fair in Leipzig in spring 1903 and the Amerciac company Geo. Borgfeldt & Co bought 3, 000 of them.
When you search for Teddy bear on wikipedia you will find that Morris Michtom invented him at the same time as Steiff but no dates given. Only hat Rosevelts hunting trip was in November 1902. When you look at the company he founded to sell the toys, ideal toy company you will find that it was founded in 1903 (and also 1907 very confusing) and there is stated that Michtom invented the teddy bear in 1903.
I think it is more likely that he saw one of the bears Hermann Berg imported for Borgfeldt.


Willhelm Röntgen himself named them X-Strahlen (X-rays).


Hoffmann did not only event Aspirin but also Heroine.


I would add the computer (Konrad Zuse, 1941), the first Uran-Fission (Otto Hahn, 1938) and the Moon-Rocket (Wernher von Braun, 1968). And the electro motor, the otto motor, the diesel motor, the car, the electron microscope, the tape recorder, the computer-mouse and the mp3-player.


Carl Linde hat die technische Kühlung erfunden!Kühlschrank, Kühltruhe, Bier wurde bis da hin mir Eis gekühlt.Kein kaltes Bier ohne Herrn Linde!


Hat nicht Konrad Zuse den Computer erfunden?


Das erste Röntgen Bild war die Hand von seiner Frau.Darauf kann man den Ehering und die Knochen sehen!Er war Professor in Würzburg.


The Teddybear puppet was created in germany.
But his name Teddy is because of Ted Roosevelt = was US president.


Hayley, have u ever heard about the following anecdote, it’s a Berlin-Story:
The Soviets blocked all the ways around West-Berlin (Berlin-Blockade 1948-1949), so People here suffered hunger and didn’t have water supply and so on...So the Americans (my grandma would say „God bless y‘all“) sent food and other vitally important things with plains via airlift or airbridge to West-Berlin (Luftbrücke), you guys asked the Berliners what they need most.
The answer was „Korn“ (grain) to bake bread. But the Americans sent corn (Mais).
To date corn was not that popular in Germany, actually most of the people here didn’t even know that. So this misunderstanding was the decisive moment in our history where we began to cultivate corn and added it to our nutrition.


You pronounce Röntgenbild very good! People from the region of Franken as part of Bavaria do roll the R as well! 😃


I think antique experts would say the ‘Teddy’ bear is Iconic of Germany and the Original and most sought after to Collectors and Wealthier People buy & give Steiff bears as gifts.


Hallo Alexis,
dies ist eine Premiere. Normalerweise schreibe ich keine Kommentare. Aber ich mag deine Videos und die Art wie Du das Leben (insbesondere in D) siehst.
Also nur kurz - wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe, fragst Du in diesem Video nach weiteren Beispielen. Ich lebe seit mehr als 40 Jahren in Westfalen oder im Herzen des teutoburger Waldes. Erst vor etwa 3 - 4 Jahren habe ich zufällig erfahren, dass es in der Nähe (Lemgo, ein kleiner Ort im Lippischen Teil von Westfalen) eine Familie gab, aus der Autobauer hervor gegangen sind. Da war ein Artikel in der Zeitung mit einem Bild von einem Fachwerkhaus. Dann hieß es, dass Frau Düsenberg um 1885 mit ihren beiden Söhnen ausgewandert ist (iowa). Die beiden Jungs waren begeistert von autos und rennsport. Schließlich entstand daraus eine Firma. Und weil die Leute in US keine Umlaute mögen sind daraus die Duesenbergs geworden..
Sehr ähnlich übrigens auch die Familie Böing. Ich glaube der Vater hat bereits Maschinen oder sogar Flugzeuge gebaut. Der Sohn sollte in Europa studieren und wurde dazu zur Schweiz geschickt. Dann hat er dort irgendwelche Erfahrungen gemacht, die zu einer Abneigung Deutschland und Europas geführt haben. Unter anderem deswegen hat der dann seinen Namen auch geändert in Boeing.
Soweit - sogut; Liebe Grüße aus dem Herzen des teutoburger Waldes


Funfact i had a Capri-Sonne nearly all day during my childhood. now i do not support it because it has got "americanized" - even during the last years they stopped producing the original name- it became fully english named and so they have lost me XD


Wow, I had always thought that Levi Strauss had been an Italian Jewish guy who went to the US 🙂 Btw. Levi is a very common Jewish first name, after Levi, son of Jacob and Leah, founder of one of the twelve tribes, the Levites 😎 Btw. Wilhelm Röntgen first named his newly discovered radiation "Strahlung X", meaning "Radiation X", hoping to come up with a better name later once he would find out more about it. But the X stuck, so now it's called X Rays or Röntgen-Strahlung, as nobody ever found a particularly special natural phenomenon it occurred from, it's just an energy / frequency range that he had tried out while hitting a steel plate with electrons that happened to be stopped by bone but not tissue 😅


Some other inventions: rocket, computer, DNA-test, refrigerator.
