Get The Most Out of Your Legs in the Jerk

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We all know the power to elevate the bar in the jerk comes from the leg drive, but it’s easy to forget the importance of the connection of the bar to the legs.

A rack position that sags or in any way allows the bar to move during the dip and drive is preventing full transmission of force to the bar.

Additionally, disconnection of the bar in the rack will tend to cause the bar to move forward as you drive and push rather than back into the correct overhead position.

Your dip doesn’t need to be slow—the initiation of a quick dip just needs to be smooth rather than an abrupt drop to avoid separation, and the bar needs to be settled securely in the rack rather than being partially supported by the arms because of an improper position or excessive grip tension.

Make sure you’re pressurizing and bracing your trunk properly to support a solid rack platform, and that rack brings the shoulders forward adequately and up slightly to create a secure channel for the bar to rest in.

Finally, you need to keep that rack position motionless until you’re finishing the drive and you need to begin pushing with the arms. Initiating the push early, or even just unconsciously preparing for it, will bring the shoulders back and elbows down, compromising the support of the bar and allowing it to move.

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Рекомендации по теме

Every time i have a technical problem, Greg drops a video addressing exactly that. How do you do it? It’s getting a bit scary now..


This video is helpful because applying its knowledge will improve my speed, awareness and elasticity in today's jerk session.


Your content has been invaluable as a newbie - quick programming question: if the jerk is holding back my C&J (can't jerk what I can clean) I understand I need to prioritize the jerk in my training - but should I also refrain from progressing the clean so that my jerk can "catch up" and then exceed my clean as is desirable? Would love to be able to tip you or donate if you have a patreon or something this channel is perfect for self coaching and learning the sport.


How far up should the bar be able to travel based on leg drive alone (before engaging the arms)?


I don't know how some people can clean more than they can jerk
The clean technique is much more difficult, and also longer, like a deadlift followed by a front squat
