Episode 4: Working with Source Code and Software Licenses

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In the fourth episode in our seven-part series about using the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use, you’ll learn speakers explore how the Code treats preservation and access to source code in your collections; how software licenses interact with fair use; what kinds of software license provisions might prevent using fair use; when licenses bind (and do not bind) owners of physical copies of software; and non-copyright concerns associated with software licenses.

Episode 4 speakers include: Daina Bourquin (Harvard | Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) and Lauren Work (University of Virginia Libraries). Facilitators are Peter Jaszi (American University) and Brandon Butler (University of Virginia, Software Preservation Network). The host is Jessica Meyerson (Educopia Insititute, Software Preservation Network).

The Fair Use Code & Other Legal Tools for Software Preservation webinar series will examine the Code of Best Practices for Fair Use in Software Preservation and surrounding legal issues in greater depth. The webinar is jointly hosted by the Association of Research Libraries and the Software Preservation Network.
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