15x4 - 15 minutes about Biohacking
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Denis Kovalenko, Master student in SW engineering at UT
28 March 2018
He has co-founded 2 startups and was developer of military software and big data solutions. In love with entrepreneurship and everything that drives future. By being crazy about traveling and extreme sports, during last 2 years, he has visited 16 countries, climbed on several of the highest mountains in Spain and learned how to surf.
In his talk he will walk you through what is biohacking, which branches of science it is based; what are main directions of biohacking and what the future developments may bring. Also, he will show concrete use case how can person "hack" own body using scientific knowledge and quantified self.
28 March 2018
He has co-founded 2 startups and was developer of military software and big data solutions. In love with entrepreneurship and everything that drives future. By being crazy about traveling and extreme sports, during last 2 years, he has visited 16 countries, climbed on several of the highest mountains in Spain and learned how to surf.
In his talk he will walk you through what is biohacking, which branches of science it is based; what are main directions of biohacking and what the future developments may bring. Also, he will show concrete use case how can person "hack" own body using scientific knowledge and quantified self.