Is there a moral compass beyond us?

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On April 30, 2019, there was a shooting in a UNC Charlotte classroom. Two people died and four were injured. The following semester Dr. Frank Turek and Dr. Rice Broocks to reach the hurting students and answer their questions. One student asked a question about how to show someone that an objective moral standard exists. Here is Frank’s short answer.




#Ethics #MoralCompass #Morality

I love this compass analogy. Pointing to yourself is the simplest way to explain moral relativism. I'm learning so much and developing my arguments watching these. Nice work.


I'm Brazilian and this channel help me a lot
God bless america


What good is a compass if it always points to you! Love it.


Is there a moral compass beyond us? Yes. God.


Elephants in the room getting swept under rugs? Never heard those two metaphors mixed before 😂


Please can I get an email to send my questions to. Either Dr. Frank Turek Email or public email for Crossexamined.

Thank You!


There is no demonstration of any morality beyond the human construct of what we are taught, and what we experiencing. If any god had any influence on people in our world, we would see a clear definition of peoples who worshiped a specific god, having a specifically uniform morality. What we actually see, is that within each person, each family, each social group, church, within each region, and withing each religion, there are vast disarrangements on morality. (beyond the generally accepted norms of morality in the overall population) It completely undermines the premise of their being any morality developed outside of what each person develops on their own.
At the point where religion(s) can demonstrate that their group morality is measurably consistent (not necessarily greater) that the rest of the world, we could accept this as a hypothesis, and investigate it. Where we are today, is that this premise is not supported in Any way, and needs to be dismissed as a possibility. Apologist just push ahead with anecdotal or personal testimony, and very non-clinical studies done by people with a strong bias towards a preconceived outcome which are quickly debunked. Doing a study on morality of 12 Christians, which no other religious group, and no non-religious group is involved in the study, ... is a great way to create garbage pseudo-science.


Its called being intellectual honest...


Is the question, "How is morality determined" or is the question, "How has mankind come to know what is moral"? They are two different questions. The answer to the first question is, _if an act deliberately and needlessly harms the innocent then with some rare exceptions, the act is usually immoral_ . The answer to the second question is, _evolution_ .


how come we have moral compasses which disagree with eachother? Did god give some of us broken compasses?


Even if there was, we wouldn’t know,
Because we would have to use our moral compass to know


No, there is no moral compass outside of us. We create the compasses.


Using the compass analogy, who made the compass? A mortal human just like you or me. Yet we trust that the compass always points North. So it seems like humans can create something that points to an objective standard. However, with morality, none of us really know what that standard is, but we all can agree that it's out there. Whether you're Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or atheist, you know that there are some objective rights and wrongs. Now, instead of saying one compass is "true" while everyone else is wrong, maybe we should just follow our compasses and see where they take us.


All of you religious and faithful wouldn't need to learn all of these argument tricks to prove your god if the god proved itself.


Develop a personal relationship with Christ the Savior to know your purpose and identity.
Romans 10:9 John 3:17


The irony here is Frank is describing most Christians. Outside of obvious extremes (rape, murder, etc), there is so much disagreement over what sin is.

Also he complains about people wanting to be at the center of the universe, but that's exactly what evangelical Christianity is!


"When speaking with atheists" Too bad he never have spoken with Muslims, I know I have and they dont have the same "Objective Morality".


Yep!'s called the ten commandments given to mankind by JEHOVAH himself through Moses on the foundation of western Christian


Christian and atheists can argue about objective and subjective morality all day long but the fact is we're all minute human beings created in the image of God and we'll all be judged based on what we did whether you like it or not. Interestingly, our lives are short then death comes along as a wages of sins and brings us to God to await judgement. Therefore accept Jesus christ as your lord and savior, Read the Bible, do what God wants and hope for eternity.


That compass example is great. Anyone who tries to make such a thing without an ultimate standard(God)has made a compass that points toward themselves. If everyone has a different compass there would be no way of telling which one was right and which wrong, further there really would be no right or wrong compass, they would all be arbitrary. Only the God of the Bible can serve as the proper foundation for morality.
