regarding AD vlog003 | Metadata, Naming Conventions and Finding AD

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Metadata is a facinating and vitally important topic for AD! Here's the book I've been reading and below that is the list of the 28 unique ways I've found (so far!) videorecordings cataloged at my local library to detail that AD is on the disc/movie.

Pomerantz, J. (2015). Metadata. The MIT Press.

All the ways catalogers mention AD:
2.0 descriptive audio
2.0 Dolby digital (English DVS)
Audio Description tracks Dolby Surround
Audio: English for the visually impaired
Described for people with visual disabilities
Described video
descriptive audio
Descriptive narrative audio for the blind
Descriptive Video Captioning
Dolby digital 5.1 surround (English, English DVS) 
Dolby digital DVS 2.0 stereo
DVS 2.0 described video
Engilsh descriptive audio track for people with visual disabilities
English 2.0 descriptive audio
English audio description
English audio description for the visually impaired
English audio descriptive service
English described video (DVS)
English descriptive audio
English descriptive audio (DVS)
English descriptive audio 2M 
English descriptive video track (DVS) also available for the visually impaired
Optional descriptive audio in English for the visually impaired
optional English description video service (DVS) audio-described
optionally described in English for the visually impaired (English Descriptive Video Service)
video described
Visually described for the blind and visually impaired
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