Q&A Slices: What's your favorite pen for each filling mechanism?

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If you could have only one pen from each pen filling mechanism ie: piston fill, eye dropper, cartridge/ converter what would they be.

This is a toughie!
Cartridge/converter- Pilot Custom 74
Eyedropper- Namiki Emperor / Opus 88 Demo
Piston- Lamy 2000
Vacuum- Visconti Homo Sapiens
Lever- Waterman 7 Ideal Pink
Crescent- Conklin Crescent

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Brian looks so proud of his little blue Pilot custom 74 for being the most sold in the US!! That's kind of sweet :)


Piston: Pilot Custom Heritage 92 fine. My best pen.
Exotic mechanism: Pilot 823 - I’ve never owned it, but my grail pen!


Cartridge/Converter: Parker Sonnet Silver Tartan
Piston filler: Visconti Steel Age Homo Sapiens
Vac-filler: Pilot Custom 823
Eye-dropper: Edison Nouveau Premiere Cappuccino
Lever filler: Late 1920s Diamond Standard F.P.
Crescent Filler: Conklin Mark Twain Crescent Filler F.P. Cream w/ Rose Gold accents

Sonnets are excellent, all-around fountain pens great for every day carry (EDC). If I can only have one for the rest of my life, that's the variation I'd like. Love the discontinued Visconti Steel Age. It just barely beat out my Pelikan M1000 to earn the top spot. Pilot Custom 823.... I'm just not a fan of Vac-Fillers. Still, might as well go with the best example that incorporates that filling mechanism. Edison, okay; just a bit of cheating on my part. But those pens are indeed capable of being eye-dropper filled (as well as taking a cartridge, or use with a converter) so still counts. Lever filler.... What can I say, that one is a 2nd Tier brand. But mine is literally the most comfortable pen in my collection for long-term writing. Zero hand cramps.Incredibly smooth. And oh, the stories it could tell if it could talk. The Crescent Filler is more to round out my collection than anything else. The Cream finish looks gorgeous. Mainly because it looks like ivory. And for some odd reason, I've always liked the look of Conklin's nibs with the crescent moon shaped breather hole. Incredibly historic filling system that at one point was the latest version of the iPhone of its day. (And unlike the latest version of that phone, the pen wasn't immediately obsolete the very next day.) With the exception of the 823 and that particular variation of the Sonnet, I own all of the above.
*EDIT ~* All in Extra Fine or Fine.
*EDIT #2 ~* Added Crescent Filler to the list above.


Well, logically the video focuses on pens that are sold in the wonderful Goulet webshop, but there is a case to be made for a Montblanc 149 to be the ultimate piston filler!
Also an addendum could be the high tech Conid Bulkfiller, which has a unique filling mechanism that can an ocean of ink.


Drinking game: every q&a Brian references the size of his hands, take a drink! Love you, Brian.


Bring back that limited edition Mark Twain Crescent Filler with the gold flex nib. Crescent fillers are a favourite of mine with a stub nib.


Lol never a disappointment and love love love most fountain pens 🤩👍🇦🇺


Ack ... a pink Waterman 7 Ideal! Dearie me - if I had one of those I'd never go out. ;-)


What about your favourite snorkel filler?


Do you organize or mark in some way pens when you have several copies with a different nib like your multiple Lamys 2000?


Could you recommend a blue ink i could use in cheap paper (notebook paper not made for fountain pens) that is not permament?


Hello I have one question for you
I have lamy al star and I use lamy cartridges and I find out one problem and its if I don't use pen for 5 to 6 days the cartridges get low in ink and I don't know why its happened so can you help me to find the problem and answer also


Blue pens are my favorites too, along with black pens. Not a huge fan of transparent and flashy colorful pens (the Visconti Van Gogh collection is an exception) either, unpopular opinion I know but I just don't find them appealing.
