Recommended Women Horror Writers

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#womeninhorror #horrortube #horrorbooks #horrorstory

Misogyny has no place in horror. Hate has no place in horror. Let's do better!

My thanks to @fromthemixedupdesk over on TikTok for letting me use her video clip.

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Twitter: Jason_White74

On Jason's Weird Reads, Jason White, from The Darkness Dwells Podcast, discusses weird fiction, horror, sff novels/collections/anthologies. His collection of short stories, Isolation, is available from Amazon.

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Wow! I'm honored to be included on this esteemed list. Thanks for highlighting women horror writers. I've read quite a few of these authors and I plan to read more. Marie McWilliams has a new book coming out this fall, I believe. You rule, Jason! 📚


Thankyou for speaking up against misogyny in the horror space, and No its not condescending to recommend women Horror authors!


Not condescending, IMHO. I'm happy to see exposure since the genre has been dominated by men in the past years. Thank you for covering this and addressing ignorant and unnecessarily hostile people.


I think that boosting the signal of talented writers is always a good thing :-)


Great video! I hope you continue to highlight women writers.


Enjoyed the video, and this was not condescending at all! You've always been respectful in all of your videos. It's clear you love horror and want to share the good reads - no misogyny included. Love your channel!


📚 I recently finished 'Silver Nitrate' by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, which I really enjoyed. I liked 'Mexican Gothic', too.

'The Hollow Places' by T. Kingfisher was really good, I'll definitely read more by her (actually, I just finished 'Nettle & Bone', also good, but not horror).

Catriona Ward's 'The Last House on Needless Street' is dripping with tension and is quite the experience.

S. T. Gibson's 'A Dowry of Blood' is a great vampire story covering some similar thematic ground as 'Reluctant Immortals'.

'Wilder Girls' by Rory Power left an impression on me. While it's not perfect the I think it's worth it for the vibe.


Great video. I'll add to the list Ania Ahlborn and Mercedes Yardley


I am happy to see amazing women authors being highlighted! I'd love to see more lists like this in the future, diversifing who I read from is important to me, maybe Queer horror author list?


Excellent video, Jason! Good job for highlighting women horror authors. The Reformatory is a must read for me in 2024. I need to check out Regina's work, really enjoy her channel. I loved The Vampire Chronicles. Thanks for the recommendations. 📚


man, woman. as long as the story is good and keeps me reading, it doesn't matter to me.


Sounds like he's off his meds and extremely ignorant. Glad to see you are promoting women horror writers.


I don't think men commenting on women authors is condescending at all. I love this list! 🖤😎✌️📚


I don't think it's condescending that you have favorite women writers. It's only condescending if a person is BEING condescending 🤷🏽‍♀️
And thank you because I don't know many women horror writers. I would like to know more women sci fi and fantasy writers as well. 📚


I don't find it condescending for you to recommend women horror authors. Coming from your perspective, I feel that you are being supportive of women. I really appreciate your making this video and speaking out against misogyny in horror📚


Not to be too off topic, but have you seen The Dyatlov Pass Incident (2013)? It was also released as "The Devil's Pass". It's found footage, but still a pretty good movie. 📚📚


I see absolutely nothing wrong with making a list of female writers you enjoy... or any other demographic for that matter. It's bringing attention to authors others may not have known about which is always a good thing. People need to take a breath and stop with the mess for a while, it's out of hand. It wasn't too long ago that women had to write under pseudonyms to get published, so how can showing appreciation for their work ever be a bad thing? I started to provide a list of my own and realized other than a past obsession with Anne Rice, and perhaps Mira Grant (another pseudonym, and "she" doesn't really do much anymore but her Feed series is one of my favorite things ever, especially the short stories set in the same universe) there aren't any female horror writers I really follow. I've read plenty of one off favorites written by women, plenty of excellent short stories in anthologies...and have a ton of female author favorites in other genres.. and others that write fantasy, scifi, suspense, romance, etc with horror elements... but pretty much all my favorite straight up horror authors.. the folks I follow around and actively fangirl over.. are men. I wonder if it's because I started reading horror from the 70's and 80's when it was really a boys club and it shaped my preferences.. IDK. I don't really pay attention to gender when I choose a book so it kind of caught me by surprise actually.


I don’t find it condescending, but I think what frustrates some people is when the ONLY time someone discusses or recommends women authors is in the context of such a list. It makes it seem like male authors are the norm, the TRUE authors, and women belong in a separate category. The same could probably be said about BIPOC and LGBT authors, or any author from a marginalized group that is typically ignored by the mainstream. But I think it’s very different when someone clearly enjoys a diverse set of writers and talks about them regularly takes the time to make a video centering women (or BIPOC, LGBT, etc) authors. Thank you for this video, horror should be open to everyone!
