Beltane Blessing and Guided Meditation 🌿🌀 LIVE IN ALIGNMENT with Nature and Earth Energy #Beltane

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#beltane #beltaneguidedmeditation #spirituality #naturemusic #beltane2023 #healingfrequencies
#guidedmeditation #healingmeditation #goddess #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #balance #energyhealing #chakra #solticemeditation #equinoxmeditation #motherearth #gaia #goddessfreya

Join Aureliaslight as she channels music and meditation for this sacred time of year. 🌿🌀

🌀 Connect to the energy of Beltane
This seasonal time in the wheel of the year amplifies the earth energy inviting us
To plant our seeds, celebrate our love and fertility and realize
The potent power of our creativity.
Living in Alignment with Nature and the truth of Our Soul

🌀May Day, or Beltane, is the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, and marked the beginning of summer for the ancient Celts. It was a day for dance, song and celebration to hail the sown fields that were starting to sprout. Beltane is a celebration of love and life and the reminder that the fire of summer is on its way.

🌀Beltane is also symbolic for the time when we take the seeds or (ideas and creative inspirations) that we envisioned planting in the Vernal Equinox or Ostara and we actually use our physical bodies to plant them.

🌀These seeds are literal and symbolic. Whether it be through physical toil and planting of the garden, doing the physical work of creating a project, or really being in our bodies to feel the intimate pleasures of sexuality, sensuality and procreation … while embracing and celebrating the beautiful gift of being creative beings.

🌀Beltane is acknowledging our fleshly ability to organically usher new life into this world and embracing the process.

💚 Thank you soul family for being here 🙏
Remember to Always Listen for the SOUND of your soul.

Join me in my new Sound Healing Courses!

"Our voices are Divine sacred instruments not to be silenced" Aurelia
We are being called to Remember. THE TIME IS NOW. 🌎🙏💖

"If there was a heaven that is where she took me" Yoga Festival Participant
💚 "The brain thinks, but the heart knows.” ~ Joe Dispenza


Learn with Aureliaslight (Music Educator, Sound & Energy Healer and Spiritual Teacher) with her New Course

"If there was a heaven that is where she took me"

***Visit Aureliaslight website to join the mailing list and to keep up to date with new music and healing workshops and events! ***

Connect with Aureliaslight:

#beltanemeditation #earthenergy #432HealingMusic
Copyright © 2021 Aureliaslightmusic LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for this much needed meditation❤


Yours was the first video that came up. My name is also Aurelia and my birthday is on Beltane. ❤️


Love your meditations so precise and clear you take my soul to another level of gratitude 🙏🏻 Thank you Aurelias


I typed in Beltane 2023 and your video was included in the search results. Beautiful. Just perfect. Thank you. Blessed Beltane Eve.


Thank you so much.
What a wonderful meditation!! I really love it


You are divine, this I has found you the true I.
