What To Do When You Want To Quit Your Mental Diet | Kim Velez

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An ancient Persian king once ordered all the wise people of the land to condense all knowledge and wisdom of the ages and put it in one sentence. After much consideration they came back with words: "This too shall pass". Whenever I'm having a bad day, I always affirm these ancient words of courage and keep fighting the good fight.


I love how you explain things for beginners and your profanity is so authentic.


I'm never ever giving up, I'm the Diamond, I'm the Mountain, I'm the King, I'm the Lion, I respect women, and she is a woman and she knows I am a good man, that's why she loves me so much, she is my soulmate, she is my twin flame, she is my heart mate, she loves me dearly, deeply, strongly and madly, she tells me that every day, and we belongs together at each others company, I'm so gratefull to the universe for everything I have including her, I am a whole, she is here and it is done.


Hi Kim/Everyone - I am practicing get your SP back for good. He came back and he's gone cold for a few days. I am this video couldn't come at a better time


I have been doing your meditations “Anything is possible” “Love and relationships” “I am chosen” “Goddess”. For the last month and I feel amazing. All desire or wanting / lack has left me and I found myself feeling amazing here and now and really feeling like I have everything I ever wanted. Without trying to stop caring about my 3D, I just did. My confidence is sky high and I expect the best AND I am getting it. Many levels: friendship, career, money pouring in, men suddenly becoming sweet and chasing, and me mastering my mind to the point that I mainly think about what I expect that is what I actually want ! You are aweone. Thank you fir being you.


Consistant daily practise is very important to impress the subconcious fully.I'm always on it 24 7 and manifest pretty quickly every time.Jus gotta be on it daily and little meditation helps aswell.After manifesting your first goal it builds confidence but its work and it takes persistance and patience and faith.Love your contents.Keep them coming.Sending love from Barbados.🇧🇧👁💪🏾💯


kim ur skin is so beautiful its literally glowing


Wow I literally was telling myself "i'm sick and tired of trying to keep a mental diet" and I am at the point of wanting to give up on it. and just dwell in the feelings of negativity and my 3D reality what i'm seeing in front of me.. I'm still at that point right now, hopefully this video can help to change my mind :/


Really beautiful: this is in PERFECT timing! 2 hours ago i was thinking that i am really tired, i feel my brain tired with the mental diet etc. thinking "how can i master this? i want to give up please help!" oh yeah i am a goddess, this is my answer.


Hi Kim, I just wanted to say a big thank you as I learned the law of assumption from you and it’s changed my life. My manifestations used to be so slow (even though they would eventually happen), but with daily scripting, affirmations and a strict mental diet for the past month the manifestations are coming thick and fast. Your content is so easy to understand and is encouraging and really helps keep me on track, thank you 💖💕💓


This was totally what I needed to hear right now. Been really tired lately and its been affecting my anxiety and overall mood and energy and making me react. Keep feeling like I "fucked it up". Thank you ❤


Don't wanna qiut but Im excited about all your videos haha ❤️


OMG, I manifested this video, because I was so f tired with keeping my mental diet on the track, but Everytime I had that in mind I said Nanananana... This is my reality, I am the creator of my reality, I am not gonna let all manifestasion comes on 'default' mode.
I create my own life.


Thank you for this. I like that you humanize this process. Many coaches just assume that just because they have it down pat that everyone else does too. Or don't understand that it's not always as easy as we'd like and almost make us feel bad for going through the lows. Thank you for being relatable!


This *IS* the real work!!! 💯 % I've been catching up on some of your previous videos (that I've saved in a playlist of my own, haha this one is "01Nov2021"). Now that I have a deeper and better understanding of LoA & Neville, etc. these older videos that I hadnt watched yet OR ones I am re-watching: WOW. So much clarity. Grateful & Appreciative.


I get frustrated with myself when i get resistance


This has been one of those days! Thank you for this, Kim. Trying to completely reprogram over 40 years of thinking.


When that happens I go back to that video you posted Name you are good enough rant. I play to over and over and I tell myself how amazing and good enough I am.


This was gold. This is one of THE best videos you've ever made. What you said about resistance coming from the conflict between the old and new self was so on point and relatable!
Thank you.


Thank you Kim!.I needed this today...I cried, then had a glass if wine. Watched this video and got back on the mental diet horse!
