Is There a Cure for Herpes? | STDs

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Understanding Herpes: Is There a Cure for Herpes? Is there a cure for Herpes? Herpes is a virus and as such, it is treatable but not curable. There are medications that are successful in suppressing Herpes outbreaks or diminishing Herpes outbreaks that do happen. The virus tends to live in your system and it can emerge. Over time, you can have one outbreak and never have another outbreak. Some people have continuous outbreaks or frequent outbreaks. Some people have infrequent outbreaks. It's hard to know ahead of time how your body will react to the Herpes virus, but it is very treatable and usually the treatment is medication. Sometimes it's a cream and sometimes it's a pill. Some people will take the pill when they feel an outbreak coming on. Some people are on pills the entire time, like all the time so that it suppresses if they have frequent outbreaks. The key thing I would say for treating Herpes is to follow the prescription that you're given and to really use, if you have for example, a lotion, to use it the way it's prescribed, and if you're taking pills or medication, to take them the way your medical provider prescribes, and that is your best chance for diminishing or preventing outbreaks in the future.

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Meeting you dr gboya on YouTube is like meeting GOD himself because, you deed in my life what no doctor can't do. Thank you for curing my general hepes completely you are a life saver, 🥰


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Bless you dr gboya keep on the good work you have been doing and thanks also for curing me off this disease you are truly a God sent towards humanity I appreciate you sir dr gboya..


1 was absolutely delighted and grateful with the immediate hepes healing I got through Dr OGOH channel on YouTube, keep saving live doc ❤ 0:02 0:01


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TI kindly appreciate your effort and kind gesture Dr Ogoh on YouTube. Thanks for curing my health issue. HSV .. .


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1 was absolutely delighted and grateful with the immediate hepes healing I got through Dr OGOH channel on YouTube, keep saving live doc ❤ 0:02🎉 0:01


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