How to kill bunker turrets | Star Citizen 3.19.1

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With a little confidence and some repeaters you'll never drive to an unfriendly bunker again once you learn how to destroy bunker turrets in Star Citizen.

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Very Nice video, alternatively I would suggest going decoupled and then just strafing around the turret you'll avoid hits since the turrets cant turn as fast and take them out much faster.


20 minutes to drive to a bunker and back from 2k out? Bro, lol. Idk about the ptv, but the stv does it in 5 minutes, and since it’s one of the only reasons to drive in SC (which I really enjoy), it’s often a better experience than the bunker itself, lol.


I cant target them somehow so i miss all my shots


Line-of-sight-blocking terrain, eh? That's a very particular phrasing that outs you as a very particular type of nerd.


Ive always overlooked the karna rifle, was under the impression it was a relatively low damage weapon, now I see why so many ships I’ve salvaged have them in the weapon racks, going to have try them out.



The time it takes to destroy the bunkers in this video is a lot longer than just hiding behind terrain and walking in. The terrain has changed and nearly every bunker has terrain that blocks turret fire as close as 1000 meters or less. I could be in and out of a bunker in the time it takes to destroy turrets.


You could improve your technique by transferring all shield power to front shields with the number 8 on the keypad. Then, instead of flying away for recharging, just back up so you're slightly out of range. Also, redistribute your power profile to strengthen your shields and your ammo, as needed. You'll be much faster at this.


I use a Constellation andromeda with The military shield, can face tank most of the turrets at once if need be for a little while, and has the fire power


btw turret range are 1500m, that important information


thanks for the suggestion, this will help a lot of people


please don't teach noobs to land like that in front of the ramp. they keep dying there and leave their ships and all it does is block the entry. legitimately block, you have to land way out and then find the openings between half a dozen and more partially wrecked ships and if i want to carry out boxes or bodies to loot inside my ship i have to throw them over them.
just park that little bit to the side with the entry way open. it's like 5 meters more to walk and all it takes is the effort not to be a jackass.


This is such bad advice. You circle around them and take them out one by one and redirect your shield power forward. Just standing still is a one way ticket to the hospital.


Did they buff the turrets cause I swear they are invincible now and its kinda bs im in a connie and I use all 141 shots like ten times and one turret wont even get destroyed like is there even a point to trying to fight them now i dont understand


i just take my corsair put all the shields to the front and then just sit there face tanking the turrets and melt them all


Man I only ever my cutty shot up when I go after those turrets :(


Love the Karna, its got that "this is an s/f space game" feel that the M4...sorry P4 just doesn't have. A silenced plasma rifle...well that's the business. But I have to say as an RPer the drive by STV to the bunker, or in something bigger if you have gone mob handed, is part of the fun. STV >>>PTV as well, its a lot tougher, faster and has useful stowage such as two gun racks and space for those 1/6 SCU boxes. Didn't know about the burst mode for the Karna, good tip #oweyouabeer


heh, woot, love seeing my code come across a video! STAR-BZPR-GSPJ FTW!. but more ontopic: i nearly ALWAYS forget that a lot of the GPS guns have alternate fire modes, i may have to give the Karna looking to, especially since it can still be silenced while in that burst mode, and silencers are great for making the dumb ai even dumber


oh ok, now I know why I had a crime stat after waking up in the medical center 🤣🤣 I was angry and thought it was a bug in the new 3.23 patch


Or you could strafe around while shooting the turrets. Need a decently good strafer for it though. Not all ships are good for it. Those ships that aren't good strafers can usually do it by "vaulting" over the turrets while blasting (instead of strafing left/right, press spacebar/whatever is your up-key while pointing your guns on the turrets).


As space medics its something we practice a lot😊
