python program to calculate age in days

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Title: Python Tutorial: Calculate Age in Days
Calculating age in days is a common task in various applications, such as age verification, date difference calculation, or age-related statistics. In this tutorial, we will guide you through creating a Python program to calculate age in days using the datetime module.
Step 1: Import the datetime Module
Open your favorite code editor and start by importing the datetime module, which provides classes for working with dates and times.
Step 2: Get User Input for Birthdate
Prompt the user to input their birthdate in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. Use the input() function to take user input.
Step 3: Convert Input to Datetime Object
Convert the user input string into a datetime object for easy manipulation.
Step 4: Calculate Age in Days
Step 5: Display the Result
Print the calculated age in days to the user.
Complete Code:
Now, you have a simple Python program that calculates the age in days based on user input. Run the script, enter your birthdate, and it will display your age in days. Feel free to customize the code according to your needs or integrate it into larger projects.
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