Painting red roses in oil from life. Alla prima. Full length process, still life.
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Red roses in oil painted from life.
Supplies list: Oil paints (not all listed colours are always used, only some of the listed can be used): Titanium while, cadmium yellow light, cadmium yellow deep, yellow ochre, cadmium red light, terra rosa, permanent rose, alizarin permanent, magenta permanent, transparent red oxide, transparent brown oxide, ultramarine blue, ivory black, viridian, raw umber. Medium: Gamsol or equivalent. Brushes synthetic and natural: flats of various sizes, filberts, pointed round for details. Surface: oil primed (Gamblin) panel/MDF or double primed linen canvas.
Supplies list: Oil paints (not all listed colours are always used, only some of the listed can be used): Titanium while, cadmium yellow light, cadmium yellow deep, yellow ochre, cadmium red light, terra rosa, permanent rose, alizarin permanent, magenta permanent, transparent red oxide, transparent brown oxide, ultramarine blue, ivory black, viridian, raw umber. Medium: Gamsol or equivalent. Brushes synthetic and natural: flats of various sizes, filberts, pointed round for details. Surface: oil primed (Gamblin) panel/MDF or double primed linen canvas.