Cardiff Homeless Man Shares about Criminalization of Homelessness

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Ed has lived homeless in the United Kingdom for the last seven years. His ex-partner walked out the door with both of his kids, his best friend, and all of his money.

In many cities, anti-homelessness laws such as making it illegal to panhandle continue to increase. In Cardiff, Wales it's illegal to beg for money. Homeless people caught begging for money get arrested and fined. Ed says the fine is around £80 or $107 in USD. It makes little sense to fine homeless people for panhandling when they have zero income to pay for the fine.

Ed shares that homeless people get to the point where you question what's life worth. He had a friend that committed suicide over sleeping rough.

Homelessness is dangerous. One of Ed's friends was kicked to death by teenagers over a pack of tobacco.


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Invisible People is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the way we think about people experiencing homelessness.

I have only just discovered this channel and I have found these interviews eye opening to say the least. I have been that person "with their headphones in, within my own little bubble ... only caring about myself", I can't believe how naive I have been to homelessness. Your channel has inspired me to do something about it. I've never really helped anyone in my life but I vow to change that.


Cardiff is my home city, so I've been there many, many times. It's a beautiful city but - there are LOTS of homeless, guarantee you'll pass by at least 1 on every corner. Yet this city decides to spend 30k on a Christmas tree, in front of the castle, 20 seconds away from probably the most habited place by the homeless in the city centre street. Oh, and how much was the royal wedding again?


How can homelessness be a crime? He needs money, what else he can do when nobody can´t give him a job?


The most important thing we have in life is each other. We are all one big family, and we need to start caring for one another.


I'm a single girl in this world in Wales i have a dog 8 years old I'm homeless and living here there everywhere stay positive I know it's hard to do . Wash windows paint walls knock and it will answer . And never give up babe . This system is hard to live in get out of it is my answer and try every path bar drugs and drink you will find your purpose x


Keep on making the invisible visible . I have been homeless and My heart is never away from them. I do what I can when I can please do the same all of you. Most of you are closer to being in this mans place then you think. Then what if its you what would you wish for? The compassion of others is what. Trust me


I hope he's okay 2 years later. Seems like an honest guy who fell on rough times and sees no way out.


You should do these interviews over a meal you buy for them.


He is actually a nice looking man, well spoken, sensitive and caring. Not sure what his circumstance is but I hope he can get a room and rest and clean up so he can get himself situated to look for employment or whatever joy he can find from life.


Ed has said so painfully well the vicious circumstances of being down and out. It rips one’s heart out. I think our part begins by _always_ giving to the destitute out there—every time, stop and give a bit of money and conversation from the heart. 💔


Thank you for buying him some socks (and whatever else you bought him).


So, so sad... my heart goes out for these people... you are in my prayers...


OMG...I want to help this man. It’s disgusting how the homeless are treated. It makes me sick to the stomach. 😔


He said he hasn't eaten for 2 days, I can't imagine because if I don't eat for 5 hours I feel sick. He is so handsome and wish his life could change for him and gets all the help he needs just needs help. These countries don't try to help there own.


Just watched a load of your USA videos then I see one from just down the road in my country . Thank you for these they are a real eye opener


My heart goes out to this sweet man down on his luck. I wish there was more help for homeless everywhere.


Doesn't make any sense to criminalize homelessness, instead rent them an apt for 6 months and give them a job cleaning up the streets. Easy.


Whats life worth. When you strip away all that entertainment devices and occupations, it reveals the very basics of human beings. eat, sleep, staying alive. it really should be in the self understanding of every civilized country, that these very basics are provided. always.


I've been wondering, how do you feel whenever an interview is over and you have to leave? It must be hard both for you and the person you just interviewed.


how do you pay a fine if you are homeless?
