Adding GIS Data to ArcGIS Pro

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In this video, we discuss how to add GIS data to an ArcGIS Pro Map. Data can come from many different sources to include: 1) Data sitting on a hard drive such as raster images, shape files or features classes in file geodatabases 2) Cloud-based data that you have created and is stored in AGOL (ArcGIS Online) 3) Data created by your organization or residing the groups that you can access 4) Data in AGOL that have been availed for all to use or 5) Data residing in Esri Living Atlas. These are great data sources that have varying functionality based on the permissions of the data owners. In same cases, you can only view the data, in other cases you can query and export these data to file geodatabase based on your particular study area. I personally like working with feature classes stored in file geodatabase centered around my study area, but all of these methods are good starts to find high-quality data that you have created or others have created.
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