Broken Angel (lyrics)

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"Broken Angel" is a song by the Iranian-Swedish singer Arash featuring Helena. The song was released in 2010 and became popular internationally, especially in the Middle East and Europe.

The lyrics of "Broken Angel" express the pain of a broken heart and the longing for love and redemption. The protagonist feels lost and damaged, like a broken angel, seeking solace and healing. The song combines elements of pop, electronic, and Persian music, creating a unique and catchy melody that complements the emotional lyrics.

Certainly! Here are some of the lyrics from "Broken Angel" by Arash featuring Helena:

I'm so lonely broken angel
I'm so lonely listen to my heart
One n' only, broken angel
Come n' save me before I fall apart
These lyrics capture the feeling of loneliness and vulnerability, with the protagonist referring to themselves as a "broken angel" in need of saving before they fall apart. The repetition of "I'm so lonely" emphasizes the depth of their emotional struggle. The song's melody and beat add to its captivating appeal, making it a memorable track for listeners.

The original singer of "Broken Angel" is Arash, an Iranian-Swedish artist known for his blend of pop, dance, and Persian music influences. Helena, a Swedish vocalist, is featured on the song as well. Together, they collaborated to create the hit track "Broken Angel."
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