how I'm reducing my owned tbr | tbr challenge

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thanks for watching and putting up with horrible jump cuts!

this year i decided to challenge myself to reduce the frankly ridiculous number of unread book on my shelf so i'm talking a bit about that and my progress so far this year :)


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My physical TBR was at almost 400 books 3 years ago and it was causing me so much stress! It took a long time and a lot of effort to read more from my TBR and buy less books but I've now got it down to half that number. I consider 50 books to be a manageable number and I would love to get mine down to that amount. I know it's going to be a slow process and I'm okay with that. My problem is actually trying to find a good balance between reading newer releases and my older owned books. I've barely read any new releases for the past couple of years because I was so focused on getting that TBR down.


this is such a great challenge, the tbr thing is definitely one of the biggest problem for readers!! it’s so nice when you finally take off the dust off your books who have been on your shelves for decades lmao such a nice video and a good idea 🥰


I usually unhaul read books that I didn’t like. But I get how sometimes, buying tendencies are fun to feed, and TBRs tend to pile up. 🥲


also, the summer challenge idea sounds awesome! if you did something over on instagram, that’s be cool too! idk what a host would totally entail, but i’d definitely be interested!


I think this is a really great thing to reduce the number of unread books and to do unhauls! You've made quite a bit of progress!


I wanna get my tbr to be on one shelf... ( so like 20 books) i’m currently at 260 LOL


keeping tbr's down will forever be a problem for readers haha. I think i had around 60 and one of my 2020 goals was to get my physical tbr books down to around 20 but i've bought quite a few books already this year, oops. Would defo be up to take part in a summer challenge! Loved the video!


I use little tabs on my books to mark the ones on my shelves that aren't read! This motivates me to read them haha!! And good lcuk with getting your tbr down <3


Such a great challenge, and you’re doing excellently!

I’m doing the same challenge and am currently on a book buying ban as my unread books was nearing 100 #yikes. Although I now live with my boyfriend and end up reading a lot of his books quite often so my owned tbr never goes down quite as fast as I want it too!


lolol jump cuts are my aesthetic 😅it will get better 🤗


as u know i'm at 116... i want to get to 50 by the end of the year :) great video


i also am working at clearing all my unread books! right now i have only five books i own and haven’t read, and i’m really really hoping to read them all by the end of march 😅 also i’m on a book buying ban until july, so i think it’s doable for now haha.

oh, i was wondering what you use to edit your videos?? i’ve been looking around and your videos are edited super well so i thought i’d ask :)


I want to reduce my already small library before I go to uni next year.
