10 John Yanonne - Medical Malpractice - DC

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Transcript: "Hi, my name is John Yannone. I'm medical malpractice attorney with
Price Benowitz. If you've been the victim of medical malpractice there are
certain procedures you must follow.

In Maryland, unlike other jurisdictions there is an arbitration process
that you have to go through. You must file a claim with the Health Claims
Alternative Dispute Resolution Office, you cannot just immediately go to
court and file suit.

In order to proceed with your claim and after filing the claim with Health
Claims, then within 90 days you must file a Certificate of Merit. This
Certificate of Merit is filed by the person pursuing the claim and means
that you have retained an expert, and that expert has determined that the
case has merit to move forward.

This is a requirement of the arbitration process without which, you cannot
move forward, if you do not file it within 90 days your claim is barred, so
having filed your claim at Health Claims and having filed the Certificate
of Merit there are options to consider.

You can move forward with arbitration before a three-member panel. One of
whom is a lawyer, one of whom is medical provider, and one of whom is
layperson who will decide the case, but in most instances either party
waives out of arbitration.

You can therefore once you waive, file immediately in your local Circuit
Court in order to proceed with your claim. So if you feel you have been the
victim of medical malpractice, you will need an experienced attorney to
help navigate the process in the state of Maryland."

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