Martial Law and the war in the Taiwan Strait may come earlier/The CCP speeds up war preparations

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We have observed that Communist Party leader Xi Jinping has been preparing for war for more than a decade, especially in the last three years, by accelerating military legislation. These moves don’t rule out the possibility that war could break out at any time.

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But I vividly remember hearing Emperor Xi tell the world that “Chinese do NOT kill Chinese!”. How is he going to manage to pull that one off if he invades Taiwan?


Reading CCP press releases is like listening to a hyperbolic, edge-lord teenage brother.


The video of the woman “you are you we are we” was damn POWERFUL! She gave me chills


Given the corruption and lack of real war experience I predict that a larger portion of the CCP combat force would drop and run when the bodies start hitting the ground.


Wasn’t the PLA either buying or copying and modifying a lot of Russian military equipment, I wonder how that could play out on the future given the current events in Ukraine 🤔


Invading Taiwan would be the stupidest thing China could do. Not only would they not win without the use of weapons that would make "occupying" it impossible, but it's a hard island to invade with people who absolutely hate China with a passion. Ignoring the economic obliteration that the rest of the world would cause to China, ignoring the other nations that would get actively involved, and ignoring the lack of combat experience the Chinese military has, China would still be fighting an uphill battle, and their citizens are likely not prepared for the costs.

If China actually invades Taiwan, China will cease to exist as it does today. They will jump off the same chiff Russia did, only China stands to lose far more than Russia ever had to begin with.


and all the time pooh bear is telling the world what a peace-loving country china is.


Pooh doesn’t have the hardware, skills or the BALLS to go to war 😅


It may gi down in history... china has a good life then they got greedy and lost it all when they tried to steal taiwan, a country they did not spend money nor contributed in any way to building over the last 70 years. The obly reason Taiwan grew so much was because it had a totally different govt.


The biggest issue for Russia was the consolidation of power resulted in Putin surrounding himself with yes men who would overstate the capability of the army so that when he did invade Ukraine it didn't go as well as he thought it would. I wonder how much of that translate to China vs Taiwan.


If China goes to war to take attention away from its domestic problems, that won't be a first.
But, I'd be curious if the CCP really believes that the people of China would go to war over Taiwan. Taiwan is not threatening to invade mainland China. Taiwan is not thretening to go to war against China.
If China goes to war against Taiwan, it will likely mean the end of any hope the Chinese people will ever again experience peace and prosperity. If China's problems of lack of energy, food and a broken post Pandemic economy seem bad now, initiating a hot war anywhere in the world would signal a deep plunge into despair never before seen in China and that's saying something considering up much the Chinese people have suffered historically. Almost certainly, it will mean even the biggest and most powerful businesses in China would crash and disappear. Anyone with the means probably would try to leave China leaving only the destitute, uneducated, unskilled and elderly.
Could the CCP survive that? Questionable, but the CCP has not acted very prudently in recent years under Xi's leadership. Since Xi will be in power for at least the next 5 years, everything will likely depend on how Xi leads... Either to ruination or a return to prosperity. There might not be any middle road.


The right of living, freedom, speech, and religion are the fundamental rights for all people. Why can China respect the choice of what people make? What is the reunification? Under whom? What is the historical responsibility? Answer to whom?


I think China has a similar problem to Russia in that much of their military budget gets siphoned by corruption. The lack in transparency also aggravates this problem.


China’s last war experience was back in 1979. After that there has been no major conflicts for them. Meaning they are rusty in the art and experience of warfare. Which is putting it lightly. No current war experiences means that their NCO core are just NCO’s by title with the quality of a junior enlisted. NCOs are the backbone of all militaries, they are the ones on the ground trying to make the COs visions come true in the battlefield. Without that, China is going to suffer higher casualties than Russia is suffering at the moment in Ukraine. And Taiwan being an island, oh boy, Island invasions are no easy tasks. Especially with todays weapons technology.


Just like Russia, the USA has no interest in removing current leadership.
The USA is not interested in who leads Russia and China becasue that is for the people of those countries to decide.
Instead, the USA is concerned with the leadership of these countries when they deal with international issues. For Russia, it was a violation of International law to invade another country for the purposes of acquiring land and disenfranchising the people in that country. For the Taiwan issue, it's the idea of changing the status quo by force. If China were to reunify peacefully, there probably would be little opposition. Afghanistan and Iraq are examples where the US invaded to remove a particular threat to US security, but ultimately left. The current governments of both these countries aren't particularly friendly with the US, but ultimately the people themselves in those countries make their own choices and the USA is not in the business of empire building. In the same way, the USA supports the people on the island of Taiwan to maintain their status quo and if the CCP wants to reunify, persuasion should be used and not force.


Are they aware that the Americans have lasers?


China should not meddle with America's affairs


whole family lines will become extinct in china with every death of a pla soldier owing to china's great leap backward one child policy ... china would lose any conflict with combined western powers .. why cant china become honest and live peacefully with other countries, build a quality society without the xenophobia, inspire ingenuity welcome religious practice, let people invest in real land and home ownership, look after their business relationship based on integrity for long term prosperity, have respect for the environment and animals for each other than just money at any cost !


Option 1. Rebuild the Chinese economy and prosper in a world economy. Option 2. Start a war and lose everything. Human nature seems inclined to Option 2.


Their little shows of coordination dance is cringe. If it’s supposed to be impressive or instill fear, they missed the mark by a mile.
