first time hearing | angel flight (radio tower remix) - radney foster | 555 vibes music reaction

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🎵 Angel Flight (Radio Tower Remix) - w/ Lyrics

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• 555 Vibes

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Рекомендации по теме

An Angel Flight always has #1 priority in take offs and landings over all other planes, including Air Force One.


As a former Air Force C-130 pilot, this song is especially strong. During my 25 year career, I've had the honor of being involved with several 'Angel Flights'. The C-130 Hercules aircraft is showcased in this video because, as a tactical airlifter, it is often the first aircraft that fallen warreriors take in their long journey home.

It is always a great honor to be involved in this missions and it is given the highest priority. Several of my loadmasters would carry American flags that they personally purchased to ensure that these coffins Always had a US flag over them. It's a humbling and sobering honor. God Speed!


I did a 20 year career in the Air Force. My first job was crew chief on C-130's. Then I moved on the C-141's and C5's. While stationed in Japan we had to configure a C-141 to medivac a bunch of Marines from Japan to California for medical treatment. There had been a mass casualty barracks fire. A few days later we loaded the caskets or several Marines that died in that fire. It was a very moving experience to help load the caskets by hand into the cargo compartment of a C-141. This song really brings home the feelings I experience when ever I recall those events. No matter what branch of service we served in we are all brothers.


As the climate in the USA is so highly politicized, I fear many, especially a lot of the Generation that is just graduating from High School, University etc., have not been educated in the fact that we must remember to separate our soldiers from the Circus that goes on in Washington. (Regardless of any party affiliation) I’m grateful that there are still enough young people that America still has an all volunteer Army. I have two nephews currently serving, one is a Junior Officer who is a Naval Aviator, whose carrier is currently stationed in the Gulf and the other nephew is heading out to Oklahoma for boot camp in and around the first week of January. So thank you so much for your service! It’s reassuring that they will be in the hands of soldiers/sailors like yourself.


Thanks to all who have protected us. Peace, Love!!or


Kids from my old unit were brought home in those planes. My humblest thanks and deepest respect to the pilots, load masters and aircrews that flew my SeaBees home. Fair winds and following seas fallen comrades.


Very powerful 😢 So poignant 😭 It must be difficult for the crew, and I’m sure they are proud, and humbled at the same time as well. As all of us should be as they bring our heroes home. 🛩️ 🙏♥️🇺🇸


Fantastic reaction with so much sincerity. Thank you!

My dad was a Marine Corps Pilot for half his military career.

I will never forget the words said to my mother when the sailor handed my mom the folded flag that had been draped on his casket.

This reaction hit hard on my leaky eyeballs. Today also happens to be the anniversary of my mom passing. The high school sweethearts were reunited within 2 years.

I cannot begin to imagine the sad stories and sweet gratitude these pilots experience daily.


Thank you so much for playing this on this veterans day. I honor our veterans and respect them but mostly thank them for the ability to live in greatest republic. We must do better for our veterans, smarter people than me are going to have to figure out how but we have to, thank you as always and in case I've been negligent, thank you for your service.


I've seen this video many times & it always brings tears. I worked at the airport in L.A. for 27 years & saw this way too many times. Sometimes the family would be allowed on the tarmac to watch the coffin being removed from the plane. Always with a full honor guard. I was watching one day from the door of a jet bridge & started sobbing when the parents broke down. (I thought I was alone). I felt a hand on my shoulder & turned around to see one of our Captains standing behind me with tears running down his cheeks. I'll never forget that day.


Such a punch in the gut. It's heartbreaking that this is a necessary thing but it's beautiful the respect shown. Thank you for your service and thank you for this song today.


I was Air Cargo Specialist in the USAF... I saw plenty of our bothers and sisters going home on Angel Flights... I did load plans for these heros... To me ... that was the hardest ... God bless them...


That first set of Angel wings started tears.💙💙💙Thank you all for you sacrifice.


If this doesn’t make you appreciative of the sacrifice our military makes so we can sleep safely at night…then you’re not human!
Thanks to you and your brothers and sisters…it can’t be said enough!🇺🇸


This song always brings tears to my eyes


BTW thank you for your service 🇺🇸🇺🇸People need to see this because of all this disrespecting the flag all these men that have died for are county it really upsets me😢 I kneel to pray and stand proud for are flag🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 God BLESS AMERICA 🎉🎉🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎉🎉


My first song I heard from Radney Foster. Love his music. X


Thank you for Listening to the Angel Flight. May God Bless All.


Love the song. Love the pictures. And yes, the tears start with the first angel. Check out a movie called 'Taking Chance ' with Kevin Bacon. The care and respect for just one fallen Marine is enough to make you forget for a moment all the crap that's happening in this world.❤


Brings tears to my eyes EVERY TIME I see & or hear this!
