Rustoleum Chalk Paint Review

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Today, we're testing out Rustoleum Chalk Paint to find out the pros and cons of using this paint. This paint is affordable, but is it good?

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Such an excellent review and exactly what I need! I just bought Rustoleum Chalk paint for my kitchen and have delayed applying it by a few days because I had second thoughts after trying it on some sanded wooden doorstops. The brush marks were very significant (or shall I say ugly…) and while the coverage seemed great at first, I marked each doorstop with a thin black marker and the writing was clearly visible after test applying their top coat. I wasn’t happy with the surface either and came to the conclusion that some primer would be needed on my laminate kitchen cabinet, with spray application and a different top coat than their own.. I hope all this effort will be worth it in the end. All your insights and tips are much appreciated to make my kitchen renovation project more successful.


Thank you! After paying $30 for one tiny quart of country chic paint and then running out doing my project I started looking for more affordable chalk paints, I was worried I couldn’t use this brand in a hvlp paint sprayer but I’m very happy to see that I can. 😊


If your new to this the paint is really important!!! I too am on a budget so for a long time I stuck with one brand because it was a "big name" and kept thinking it was the settings on my spray gun or water to paint ratio was wrong. I finally after several projects switched paint brand and WOW what a difference and the good thing was it was only $2 more and saved my self after months of headaces


Great review! This is the paint I started out with on my very first few pieces I painted to sell. I found the dark colors very hard to brush on and avoid looking streaky.


Great job and excellent review. Thank you. Can I tint my white chalk paint with water based paint?


What would you suggest for a beginner using brushes (can’t use sprayer)? Heirloom, All-in-one paint, chalk paint?


I don't want chalk paint I just want the colours it comes in. It seems like to get the shades you want in a tremclad style paint you pretty much have to mix colours yourself buy buying multiple cans (which is too costly) and a sprayer. The only other way I can think of is to get a custom spray can from an autobody supply store but that paint tends to be very thin.


what did you end up with as far as diluting it, because my sprayer just keeps spitting and splattering, and i tried watering it down several times still seems to do it. basically wasted a whole container and the piece i painted has runs all over it because i had to go on so thick to cover the splatter....


What kind of sander you use with the vacuum attached? I need one of those pretty bad. Husband is yelling at all the dust. Please Help!!!


What would you say was the final ratio used for thinning/watering it down?
