Prayer for Financial Help to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

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What does Our Lady of Perpetual Help represent?

It represents the Mother of God holding the Divine Child while the Archangels Michael and Gabriel presenting Him the instruments of His Passion. Over the figures in the picture are some Greek letters which form the abbreviated words Mother of God, Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Gabriel respectively.

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Years ago I was having financial difficulty and while at a prayer meeting and a man walked up to the Mike and said someone was praying for money and he said to pray to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. I did not know if the word was for me and I forgot but later that week while at Mass at the end of the Mass the priest invited everyone to join him in a prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and I remembered the word given at the prayer meeting. So I prayed. Now I had attended masses at that church for years and never heard a priest pray that prayer before. I prayed for financial help and within days received$8, 000. God is so good. And Our Lady 💗


We love you OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP and Thank you ✝️
Through Thy most Immaculate Heart please pray for us ✝️


Amen! Thank You Blessed Mother of God!


Amen...Mother Mary please speak on behalf of us all that need finance help..🙏
Love and peace to your our heart MM..🩷🌹
Thank you kind sir for the prayer..🙏✝️💜


Lord God I lift up to you our 2 doors in Crame be sold, may someone buy it, thank you very much holy father God, in the name of Jesus Christ our lord and savior with the holy Holy Spirit Amen


Blessed Virgin Mary, please help me now!


I need help now. What the Lord has promised? I need it now. Everything has been ruined. My relationship status with my sister is the last of it I can take. I need those promises now. You took my house. My truck. My whole life. Now it's my family. No more please. I need those promises now.
