What do Mormons Believe About the Afterlife? | Now You Know

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When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, they became mortal, meaning they would die (physical death) and they were separated from God (spiritual death). These would have been permanent conditions if not for the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Physical Death
Christ was resurrected three days after His Crucifixion. Because of that, all people will also be resurrected, meaning their body and spirit will be reunited. Resurrection and immortality are gifts given to everyone, no matter what.

Spiritual Death
Spiritual death, or separation from God, requires more effort to overcome. For all people, it is possible but not guaranteed. Jesus Christ’s Atonement makes it possible, but to access the power of His Atonement, one must choose to repent of one’s sins, live the commandments, and follow Christ. Eternal life, also referred to as exaltation, offers the blessings of the highest degree of heaven.

God’s work and glory is to bring about immortality and eternal life for all His children. We can permanently overcome both physical and spiritual death to live with Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, again.

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I see heaven as a never ending Large bright, kingdom of love, warmth and compassion.


I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


5:32 my favourite, focus on becoming like Christ, thats the REALEST sentence i ever heard, i love these videos man, clear things up, i'm a converter, so i'm greatful for the Gospel


That video was so beautiful, I was in tears! The fact that through the saving, and I would add the exalting grace of Jesus Christ, we can truly not only be heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ, but can live with Him, and with loved ones forever! This gives me so much hope! Thanks so much for producing these videos!


I know this is true, I am a child of God!!!


These Now You Know videos are so amazing because they answer questions in such a simple and easy to understand way. Sometimes it can be hard to explain but this can help members to more fully and correctly answer questions about our faith. Alone, it's also a great missionary tool for those searching for the truth. I wish that I had these videos to watch when I was learning about the church.


I respect what people believe as I know the believers have great desire for doing goods to please God.


What a wonderful feeling knowing there is a loving Heavenly Father awaiting our return home.


I'm thankful for these videos and use them with others to clarify my beliefs. They are also solid examples of how simple to understand those beliefs can be.


1st comment here🤗🤗🤗 I LOVE THIS CHURCH SO MUCH AND I KNOW HEAVENLY FATHER AND JESUS CHRIST LIVES we have mistakes in LIFE repent is the way you can talk with GOD. And i am proud to be in his church😊😊


Thanks for this video it’s very informing. I’m a Christian and everything you have said in this video is dead on with what I’ve learned. This is very accurate information.


This is truly the quintessentially American religion. I love it.


5:40 - "To live as he lives." In other words, to become a god just like him. That's what the lds church means by "exaltation" even though they would never go into detail publicly or for younger members. For someone to say we can become like God would be a very unBiblical/blasphemous thing to say. It is the same scheme Satan used to trick Adam and Eve in the beginning. Lucifer (being the father of lies) uses schemes like these to trick people into not trusting the true Gospel.

Please trust in Jesus Christ ALONE and the work He did for your salvation already, not your own works. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:3-5) If you are partly trusting in your works also, you have not given Jesus your FULL/COMPLETE trust in Him alone. He is the ONLY way, the truth, and life, no one can come to the Father except through Him alone.


Are we saved by the blood of christ and the grace of the Lord. Or are we saved by our good works.


I got me a manison waiting I got faith and believe and repent every time I break a condmandments


I am so grateful to Christ for paying the price for me and showing me the way. I love him!


Salvation gives us eternal life. Receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and you will go to Heaven.


To learn about salvation expectation is great


He only asks of us to focus on becoming like His Son in this life. This should be our main goal!!


Prophet Nelson told us recently to no longer refer to ourselves as "Mormons." I still proudly use this title. Why? Because of our past of being beaten, murdered, churches set ablaze., etc. I proudly wear the scars of our founding ancestors who were called "Mormons" in a hateful manner. It's part of my history.
